Is Self-Improvement a Good Thing?

Anybody allowed to live from their own identity, as all other life does, would never consider self-improvement.

That only happens when we are already compromised, and struggling. At the moment, that includes just about all of us.

There shouldn’t be any!

Our identity is a good thing. It our right and wrong. It is our instincts. It is our interests, and our abilities. It is us.

Life is meant to be lived from identity. If we get supported in our own efforts in our early life, we will be ourselves.

With humans, right now, that doesn’t happen. We get told how to act and what to think. Our identity is not only completely ignored, our efforts become repeatedly punished.

Crazy as it sounds, that’s all that’s wrong in the world. Fix that, and the world turns loving again.

The people we see around us in these times are not natural humans. We are all somewhat traumatized.

Allowed to be ourselves, we are a kind and loving species!

Living from our identity, we all feel important in our own right. Self doubt doesn’t happen. It would never occur to us to be concerned with what others think about us. We feel good, and we act with compassion.

Once we become separated from our identity, everything is going to go wrong, and keep getting worse, no matter how many different solutions we try. That’s because the hollow feeling of having no anchor is the real problem, and cannot be fixed with gun laws or lower speed limits.

Self-improvement cannot be accomplished. It’s more or less chasing our own tail.

What has some hope, is to return to our original perfect condition.

What has happened to us, is we have been convinced that many of our original qualities are not acceptable.

That’s just not true!

People brought up with lots of discipline, are opinionated, resentful, stuck in beliefs, and narrow minded.

People brought up in situations where they are allowed to actually be themselves, and proud of it, are loving people. They enjoy life, play, and are non-destructive. This is natural life.

People brought up, never being allowed any of their natural qualities are rigid, unfeeling, and full of the conflict that has destroyed the comfort of our existence.

They also keep trying to improve themselves. That’s a struggle that can’t be won. The only relief possible is to return to the comfort of our own identity. That is a gigantic win.

The trick is to re-integrate all of those qualities about ourselves that we have banned from our existence.

We own it all. All those embarrassing qualities that we thought were inappropriate, need to be brought back. The embarrassment is temporary. Becoming proud of everything that we are, on the other hand, is permanent.

This is basically therapy. We drag our hurt feelings back into the light. That’s re-integration.

When people can allow their young to manage life through their own power and energy, all conflict will go away with it. All conflict is basically some person being denied the right to be their own identity.

The proof is in observation, and trial.

Good luck on your journey. Thanks for your interest!

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