🔔Love can only happen when we accept the world the way it really is!🔔

Our world is getting poor self-esteem, hate, gangs, and conflict.

Many things can prevent the possibility of love. Choosing to see the world as we want to, rather than the way it really is, is only one of them.

Bad things happen when we choose to see life as we want to, while ignoring reality.

The power and the drive of all life comes from within! We see that everywhere.

But, we choose to control the actions and thoughts of our young anyway!

Could this cause problems? How would you like to have two bosses, both telling you what to do, but only one of them using reality for a map?

People are naturally loving, kind, compassionate, and playful.

How would you expect life to be like with two bosses, both of them quick to punish till they get what they want?

What we got is this world, in which people are nothing like they really are!

What are people really like?

Life is a self-generated mad scramble for survival.

Each life is self-powered and unique!

People too.

When we accept that, and live it, the consequence is Utopia.

When we assume our young need guidance, control, and forced limitations, we have set the stage for the end of self-esteem!

Viewing life in that inaccurate way causes emotional damage to it.

Then we get the consequences, which are universal feelings of helplessness, and chaos!

These are the result of not being supported in, or even allowed to be entirely ourselves!

Left to self-drive its own behavior, all life, including people is at it’s very best.

That’s because this is how life is designed to work.

Allow your young free expression of their real nature, and they will not turn out as you wish!

They will turn out far better!

They will turn out the strongest they could ever possibly be.

They are their own life!

They always will be! That’s what life is!

Our attempts to direct them only causes damage!

They will also be loving, trusting cooperative and playful.

Why? Because that’s who undamaged people really are!

Our civilization is not allowing our young to be themselves any more.

The consequence of that is no self-esteem at all!

As we lose the inner-drive that we were born with, we suffer physical damage which must repair itself if we are to recover.

That damage is disconnection, full or partial!

That’s why we can’t feel our feelings, instincts, or even who we are!

There seems to be a few but a growing number of us who ignore the messages from our culture, and allow our young to be their own real selves. It’s a promising trend.

The consequences of taking over the lives of our young are not hard to see. Our environment has become increasingly dangerous, unfeeling, and lonely for all of us.

Self-esteem has bottomed out. People don’t know who they are.

Many of us want to improve our self-esteem.

It’s become an epidemic.

I expect we will discover that even allergies are just one more form of conflict, that we cause through our own actions!

I have to admit regaining our inner strength is a slow process.

The rewards though, are everything.

Nothing anywhere could possibly provide more pleasure than even the tiniest return of the inner strength that we are all born with.

I believe our present environment relentlessly works against people keeping or regaining their own inner strength.

We don’t trust independent power! We should! People who feel powerful have instinctive morals.

They are the only people who can be absolutely trusted!

They are never destructive. They can feel their own needs. Their needs are to be cherished! They know that!

All the trouble is coming from those who feel helpless! Look around!

Distrust of personal power makes recovery more difficult.

Our entire world believes in too many incorrect assumptions of how life works.

Our ability to help those in despair is still in its infancy as well.

First, we believe infants are to be taken care of, rather than seeing them for what they really are!

They are new life, with an overpowering and imperative need to power their own progress and survival.

Accept and encourage that, as all other life does, and we would all still be living in Utopia.

We try to solve problems with punishment, never catching on that bad behavior is being driven by us.

We cause the bad behavior, then we punish it, fully expecting that to work!

As with all life, our young must remain self-driven to remain healthy!

There is no more loving creature than a human allowed to fully express everything that they are, without censorship or restrictions on their own self-drive.

I believe mankind is slowly becoming aware that life has its own needs. We have developed an understanding that the helpless have natural rights.

As time goes on, more of us will recognize that our young not only deserve, but have an imperative to enjoy that same respect for their own efforts and inner-drive.

This is the fulcrum. The pivot point.

All life is self-driven!

Interfere with that, and inner-power is lost.

Without their self-esteem, people cannot remain fully functional!

Allowing our young to be self-driven instantly removes conflict, to be replaced by acceptance and understanding.

As things are now, we all struggle to regain our sense of importance.

We want reconnection with our own identity!

I expect the recovery of our inner strength will be far, far easier in an accepting environment.

Our healing skills should get more support as well in a more compassionate world.

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.