πŸ’•All people love!πŸ’•

But, we only feel that when we’re healthy.

We hurt!

We’re used to it.

We have forgotten how good we once felt, and unaware of what’s normal.

As with all life, we’re supposed to feel strong and invincable!

The majority of us act just like hurting people do! We feel anxious. Other people feel like threats.

Others, though, are supposed to be our safe and comforting refuge.

Life is driven from within! That’s how life works!

Everything good comes from within!

And there it is!

The one and only reason for all fighting, everywhere!

Everything good comes from deep within!

But, we don’t let anything come from within!

Then, we all hurt for a lifetime!

We have taken the most loving creatures on the planet and made ourselves hurt!

We hurt so much we have made our world unfit to live in!

We do that.

Unfortunately, we’re still getting worse at this!

Proof is easy!

What’s far more difficult is getting people to recognize truth that is right in our faces, and always has been!

That lack of courage, that lack of accepting reality, is what has, step by step, brought us to where we are now!

Almost every relationship on earth is a pitiful shadow of what is actually normal life for humans!

We live in despair, each of us lonely, hurting, and wasting our lives, until we die, still in that condition!

Normal life though is full expression, no secrets, no inhibitions, no chronic fear, and feeling safe in the company of others!

Relationships are partnerships, not obedience.

They are the ultimate joy in life, and we have lost all of it!

Thanks for asking!

We simply allow our children to live from the goodness and the energy that comes from within them!

That’s all they ever want from us anyway!

That, alone, repairs every conflict we suffer from!

It’s how life is designed to live. Life is designed to find its own way!

Every child allowed that freedom becomes a loving and responsible adult!

Want freedom? This is the root of freedom!

Allowed that freedom at the beginning of our lives, we will always allow others their own lives.

This is where freedom begins or ends!

This has all been clear, true, and obvious for all of our lives!

We like control.

Boy, do we pay for that indulgence.

Life is designed to drive itself. It can’t adapt to being driven!

We all hurt!

Our planet isn’t fit to live on. It can’t last either.

Our relationships are sad! We lack the ability to allow others to be who they are!

We don’t recognize that we are talking down as we tell each other how to live instead of allowing and encouraging their lives to emerge from their inner wisdom.

We live isolated. We live alone!

We move from one relationship to another, believing we fell out of love.

That’s not what happens though.

We leave each relationship as we lose the natural right to express our real nature.

When we don’t lose our right of internal expression though, relationships are loving. Meanwhile, onlookers don’t grasp the difference!


Ironically, it’s thousands of times easier than what we do now!

We need to let our children power their own development.

Then, everything good inside them gets to be expressed.

There is nothing remaining to disagree about!

They don’t hurt!

They are completely lacking in anxiety.

They are naturally on the same page with us.

Instincts, needs, and feelings are always in tune with each other!

With the wisdom of their instincts and their awareness intact, they will fix our world in short order.

That’s the only place where that degree of wisdom is available!

Can we open our eyes and see that the most disciplined and controlled children are the ones causing all the pain and trouble throughout the world!

Can we see that children allowed to power their own progress are always brave, honorable, responsible, and loving?

That happens because everything good in people comes from deep inside.

With our interference though, all that good never gets to be expressed!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “πŸ’•All people love!πŸ’•”

  1. Awesome πŸ‘

    1. Thank you. I already got one like.

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