💗Strength comes from deep within, but demands make us helpless!💗

All life is designed to flourish through its own efforts!

It should be no surprise then, that every life requires full and uncensored expression to remain strong and to be fully alive!

That includes our children!

They need to use and keep full expression of what comes from within, just the same as we do!

Many of us suffer from low confidence and self-esteem!

The cure for that is always the same!

We work at reconnecting with the wisdom and strength that lie within us!

We call it therapy!

Hers we are, taking away people’s natural power, then trying to coax it back!

Trust what lies inside!

Nothing bad comes from within!

Everything good in life comes from within! All life!

Our instincts make us responsible. Our feelings make us loving. Our needs make us kind to others.

Everything bad in life only happens when we lose our ability to express what lies inside us.

That’s what we have unintentionally done!

First, we make ourselves comfortable expressing what lies inside us!

That includes our infants! We allow them to power their own lives as all life always does!

Life has flourished by living from the power of their own resources!

The moment, we allow that, all this hate and conflict no longer has any energy to exist!

It’s always been about the hurt it causes when we lose the right to power our own lives!

Few of us feel the inner power we enjoyed when we started out!

We feel lost and without purpose! We can’t feel our feelings. Our needs! Our instinctive wisdom!

We chase money because it’s the only goal we can see.

Now we know what happens when we block everything good that comes from inside people!

We become angry, mean, and we fight endlessly!

It is time to close this experiment and try something more sensible!

Once we get back to peace and holding hands, we can try something else, if we really must!

Or we can just settle for supporting each other and enjoying the massive power of unrestricted joyful life and the resulting companionship, for a while!

Every person who allows their young the independence to power their own life gets the strongest, happiest and kindest adults that exist.

They also get love, not just words, but the real thing.

They get cooperation and help that most of us have no idea is possible!

It’s always been like that. It’s all around us, totally visable for all of us willing to see it!

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.