⚔How to develop self-confidence and self-awareness?⚔

Who has the strongest most powerful awesome self-confidence and self-awareness that there ever was?

You did!

That’s how we all start out. That’s why we long for those lost qualities and feelings, that we remember in a vague sort of way.

Mankind has instincts that would preserve that power in our young, for life.

All life on the planet lives out loud. People hide everything important. We no longer live out loud.

We don’t use those instincts.

What we do instead, is to unintentionally cause excessive hurt.

We damage our children, and remain unaware of it.

It’s not anybody’s fault. We are simply following normal social guidelines.

All life has needs. It just stands to reason that for new life, these needs are more critical than they will be later.

There is only one need that we are not providing. That, all by itself, causes so much hurt, that we reduce our access to our own feelings on purpose, simply to survive the excessive hurt.

The consequences are ridiculously out of proportion to the mistake. Our omission causes every person to hide everything important inside ourselves, and live in hiding.

No other living thing feels the need to hide anything. Only people. All other life lives completely out loud.

Because we cause the same hurt, right across the planet, we also create worldwide conflict and chaos, all with this one simple omission.

Every person on the planet has the same problem. Excessive hurt. We all have issues. Anyone struggling with this through therapy, quickly arrives at childhood issues. Why? Because that’s when the damage happens!

Every life can only be one thing. It’s locked in, at conception!

We ask our children to be a lot of things. It’s an impossible job for them!

Every life can only be what it is.

All that an infant or child can do, is to conceal every quality that doesn’t fit the demands!

Does this sound healthy? Obviously not.

But wait, it gets worse.

Our identity drives our bus, through feelings. Our identity is the source of our power.

Our identity guides us with the wisdom from many many generations of experience. We are all the very best of the best, at birth. Our identity is ready, willing, and desperate to take on the world.

An undamaged person is truly a delight. Playful, happy and cooperative to a ridiculous degree, each person wants to be valued and loved above all else.

The hate, the conflict, the dissatisfaction, the concealment, the loneliness, the defensiveness, and the brutality all come from damage to people.

Most, and to be real, probably all of us, are damaged in various degrees.


Our identity hurts when we are not allowed to be who we are!

It will not give up. It is us. It has a natural right to exist. It will cause our death, attempting to exist.

Without it we have no life anyway. It’s an act!

That’s the one and only reason our civilization is so uncaring, and often violent.

We live in a world where every single person has been hurt badly enough to cause us to disconnect from our own feelings. In this condition, we can be unsympathetic and troubled. We are all, basically in various amounts of pain.

This brings us to the answer. How do we get our power back?

We don’t have to develop any new abilities to feel powerful.

All we need is our own power back.

It is easy to observe that power in action, with every newborn.

How do we do this? We own our thoughts. We own our own feelings. We own our own wishes.

We don’t take second place, not for even one more second.

It’s a good thing to do. Every inch we gain makes us a better, kinder person, not a worse person at all. Inner power makes us kind. It’s damage that makes us cruel and destructive.

It will be traumatic. We felt inadequate because we believed we were. Others demanded we change, and we believed we were wrong, the way we were.

The intensity of the resultant feelings will be off the charts. When we surrendered our real identity, we did not give up lightly. We repeatedly fought to exhaustion, then surrendered. Can you imagine the feelings. Well, they all wait inside us.

That’s why we feel helpless. That’s where our self-confidence went.

Owning everything that we are, fixes it all.

It’s a difficult trip. We will probably need help and support, in once again recognizing value in our own real qualities.

Every feeling we bring up will be awash in shame. There will be fear and guilt. That’s how we felt about ourselves when we (mistakenly) discovered how inadequate we were.

It’s worth it. Health improves astonishingly. Others become fun, and no longer feel like a threat to us.

Real life slowly begins to become possible again. That’s a lot different than living through what we think we should do next. It’s real. It’s magic.

It’s imagination and confidence on such a level that doubt, simply doesn’t exist.

And all the while, we become more full of energy, and curiosity.

I hope this helps.

Good luck on your journey. Thanks for listening.


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