Even the poorest of us can enjoy a far more satisfying life than the very rich!
When we live in a world where everyone is our friend, our feelings and enjoyment of life just soars.

There is no real need, or reason for the secrets that keep us isolated.
If we use them to gain advantage, we are working against our own ability to enjoy good feelings.
We should always be expecting to be fully respected for everything that we are!
This is not fantasy.
It’s our default condition!
At the moment we unintentionally keep every person in a condition of hurt.
All of us hurt to various degrees!
We never get to feel fully accepted. We all do a lifetime dance of trying to behave in ways to gain approval.
This is nowhere near normal living!
That’s why we are all a little grumpy, with some of us drifting right into violence, and some even worse!
How is this possible?
We catch every person at their very weakest time, right in infancy, and we take away their inner strength, for life!
Oh Come-On, We Wouldn’t Do That, Would We?
We have great knowledge, and many experts!
We couldn’t possibly make basic mistakes like that, could we?
It’s a wonder, isn’t it?
How Is This Possible?
The power of life comes from within!
We don’t allow it!
In this way we cause hurt in every infant, and it lasts their entire life!
Doesn’t Every Infant Need Discipline, To Be Good?
Any infant allowed to power their own way and follow their own timetable of learning will become a compassionate adult!
Go ahead and try that out! It’s a universal truth!
It works because that’s who people really are!
That’s all of us, if we are just allowed to remain in our original condition!
Infants do not need discipline!
If we don’t get started with discipline in the first place, neither do children!
Their biggest natural desire is to please us. When we back off, that’s what we get, every time!
This is always true, unless they are in pain!
In pain they are supposed to alert us! The pain is not supposed to be coming from us!
On the other hand, any infant or child already disciplined, is going to need discipline and rules for their lifetime!
Why? Because excessive hurt and resultant damage has happened! They have been changed!
They no longer have the strength to live from their own inner resources!
This hurt is why we do a lifetime dance for approval!
Approval was withdrawn at the one time we most needed it.
Excessive hurt causes damage in the form of various degrees of internal disassociation.
That’s where our feelings went. They are supposed to be still with us!
What Do We Have To Do?
All life powers itself!
We have to step back and allow that!
All other life does! This is natures way!
The crazy part of all this is the difference when we begin cooperating with our children’s own need to power their own life.
They start helping! They become sympathetic!
Our job becomes many times easier!
Every life gets encouragement to strike out and learn to manage! That energy comes from within!
That’s the only healthy condition for any living thing!
How do the adults turn out when we do that?
Those people are healthy! They are also cooperative, empathetic, and just full of fun!
That’s because it’s the true environment for, and the real nature of humans!
They just have to be “hurt free”!
Our first job has got to be changing our attitude towards our young.
That stops the damage!
We need to allow and respect their inner power and determination to live and own their own life!
It’s a natural right!
This is only fair! If doing so changes everybody’s life so dramatically, and if cooperation becomes increasingly evident, it becomes our duty.
Do we have the right to hurt others if it makes us more comfortable?
We do not!
Whenever that’s true, there is something already wrong!
If, at any time, we discover that we feel better through hurting others, then we need to change. This is not healthy.
It makes peaceful and loving life with others impossible. We don’t ever want to stay like that. Our own joy becomes impossible!
With the freedom to power their own way, the proportion of resentment free children will grow.
When kids power their own way, there are no limits to how strong they become! It’s awesome!
In time, allowing them to keep their own power will change the world-wide balance of internal anger!
After that, it’s all about the numbers!
Eventually there will be no more hurt!
What About Us?
I expect the average person has absolutely no inkling of how good and fun life can actually be!
We lost that connection somewhere in the past.
Now, if we see fun, it hurts us, and most of us go put a stop to it in whatever way we can manage!
It takes a lot of therapy to recover. This can be done in more ways than purchasing help.
The direction will be a surprise. We get adept at removing ourselves from anything that hurts, over the early parts of our lives.
This skill allows survival, but also makes everything worse!
We have to go back! We have to fully accept every feeling or experience that we ever hid from!
These are all part of us now. Avoiding them only keeps us fragmented!
We have to talk and cry out all of our hurts. These hidden hurts hold us away from our identity, feelings, and instincts.
That’s where all the action is though! That’s where happiness is! That’s where trust and love live!
To be whole again, we have to have nothing left that hasn’t been fully embraced into awareness!
Yes, that hurts.
Not much changes for a long while.
Then, one day, we feel good! Really good! For no reason whatsoever!
That’s when we know for sure we’re on the right track!
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com
Thanks for listening!
Good luck on your own journey,
Take care,
I welcome considering other thoughts.