πŸŒ‹Want to feel confident and strong? Our own power is the only way!πŸŒ‹

Every life is driven by its own power!

Every one of us started our lives feeling full of amazing inner strength!

That’s what made it easy to learn to walk and talk.

But, children don’t get to keep their power anymore!

Feeling powerful, we are the kindest, most loving creatures on the planet!

Feeling powerful, we feel good. Everybody is our friend! We can feel our own instincts and needs.

What are our needs? To be accepted as we really are, and to be loved. Being aware of this makes us naturally responsible and non-destructive!

Without feeling powerful though, we feel weak and helpless. We lack internal connection. We feel cheated but don’t know why.

We have become capable of destroying the world in our attempts to feel right again!

None of us will ever be hurt by someone who feels powerful.

It’s those who feel helpless that do all the damage!

This is easy to see. Within our families and in the neighborhoods, it’s the troubled people causing all the violence, anger, and fear!

We all know a bad upbringing causes damaged people!

Well, this same dynamic goes a lot further than that!

Other people who have been lucky enough to keep at least some of their own “birth” power are the only people in this world we can really trust!

It’s our upbringing! We have come to believe in obedience!

That’s not a healthy goal! It’s the path to feeling helpless for life!

The difference is obvious!

Here’s how we all started out feeling, and it’s also the way we still should!

I expect we can all see that any person such as this will never cause us harm!

What causes hate?

Fear does!

What causes fear?


We all need our power!

Our goal has got to be keeping our children’s natural power at full strength!

Does this accomplish anything?

It provides them with a life the way it’s supposed to be. They feel naturally good for their entire existence.

They can feel their own needs! Consequently, there is no such thing as feeling like a failure, ever!

As a byproduct, it also ends just about all of the world’s problems immediately!

I know this sounds ridiculous! It doesn’t matter! It’s just what happens!

People who feel right have no selfishness whatsoever! They are also automatically non-destructive!

There is a clear answer to this!

It’s because they can feel their instincts!

Our instincts carry the wisdom of the human race, right from its beginning!

It’s the very best guide available!

Our instincts do not teach us to demand obedience!

They guide us in supporting and encouraging natural strength.

Throughout all of nature, all life does this! They support the power of their offspring!

There is very good news though!

If we can fix this one issue, we have brought our children back to cooperation and trust.

That becomes obvious immediately!

Do that, and our civilization will follow!

That’s how it works. Our civilization is the consequence of all of our feelings!

Right now our feelings are fear and helplessness.

We are all trying to regain the importance we once felt.

We are causing extensive damage in the process, all without results anyway!

Money and power can never return the natural feelings of being powerful that we were born with!

I will leave this post with these thoughts. The discussion remains though, as to how we can recover if we have lost our own power!

Many of the other posts cover as much as we know about this task.

The sneak preview has to do with how we manage our hurt!

We shouldn’t have had much, but in losing our power we suffered a catastrophe of hurt!

How we deal with our hurt sets our place in life!

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need that address to find your way back.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.