🌋Amazing relationships, the love that can be!🌋

If we grew up in the way we’re meant to, then our lives were driven from within.

Through our power, instincts, needs, and feelings!

We will be naturally loving and responsible, the way life is when it’s powered from the strength and wisdom inside!

Not in these times.

We can’t feel any strength or wisdom coming from within.

We aren’t living our lives.

We live our image, and then force others into treating us as we see fit.

Real relationships are rare or non-existent!

Support and sharing only happen through expression of our instincts, feelings, and internal strength.

Lacking that, we go from one partner to another, arguing or feeling resentment, while wondering what the problem is with other people.

It comes from within. Life itself is supposed to come from within!

Everything good in people and life comes from within!

Natural wisdom only comes from within.

The ability of life is astonishing.

Tiny particules and energy combine to reshape nature into what becomes our bodies.

Forces re-arrange matter to create our shapes and functions. This assembly will survive as long as our driving force does.

All our real energy, purpose, and joy of life come from within as well!

People are designed to live from our energy, instincts, feelings, and needs.

Everything good about people comes from inside, all through this wisdom.

If we allow our young to grow from the power of their own inner drive and wisdom, then everything works.

Relationships are supportive and responsible.

Our world can recover.

Natural love is infinitely beyond anything we can imagine in the obedient lives we lead now.

We have lived without our extreme feelings for so long, we have forgotten what’s possible and actually, normal.

We don’t allow our young to live from the power and wisdom of their inner resources.

Consequently, there is no longer any wisdom! No inner strength either.

Our world reflects this confusion.

People today are full of expectations, but lack the recognition that life knows what it’s doing.

Therefore, real relationships have become just about impossible.

We all live right next to all the power in the universe!


Within our children! The youngest still live from the forces within!

Support that, and everything gets better! Us too!

There is no way we get to live from our inner strength, and at the same time not allow our children to!

Holding our kids back prevents us from ever feeling our own power!

We cannot heal while making others sick!

Our own efforts limit how strong we can ever be!

Karma actually happens!

We get what we deserve!

When we limit the internal energy of others, we muzzle ourselves.

Karma and irony. The universe has a sense of humor!

How alive we get to be, is limited by how alive we allow others to be!

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “🌋Amazing relationships, the love that can be!🌋”

  1. I absolutely love this post💕

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