🌱Everything good in people comes from within them!🌱

That good within us no longer matters.

It doesn’t get felt or expressed anymore!

We don’t use our feelings to manage life now, or even feel them.

Nor our instincts or needs.

The condition of our world reflects that!

What’s the trick to a kind and gentle life?

Let it come from the inside!

All life is designed to find its own way.

Life is always driven from within!

The trick to the best health possible?

Let life be powered from the inside!

The trick to a conflict free life?

Allow life to be driven from within!

We begin life full of our own power!

Instincts, feelings, and our needs lead our way. This is where our compassion and wisdom is!

At the moment, we parents shut that down, right in infancy!

We stop our interference!

Our overcontrol causes damage.

It has brought our world from love and compassion, to violence and hate!

None of us can feel our feelings! Or our needs! Or our instincts!

But, that’s where everything good and special about us comes from!

We get the best out of people when we stop our demands and allow their energy to come from them!

Because, when it mattered most, we were not allowed to live from our power!

Or our instincts. Or our feelings. Or our needs!

We were left with only thoughts. Thoughts lack wisdom!

Wisdom comes from within!

So does power! So does compassion! So does responsibility! So does love!

We convince ourselves we love others and others love us!

But, if we could really feel love, our behavior would reflect that, and it doesn’t!

We take ridiculous chances with our relationships.

We do things we would never do if we could really feel the value of the love of others!

There is no way at all, that what we are left with has anything at all to do with real love and commitment!

Not the way it’s supposed to naturally be!

Sure there is. It’s easy!

All we have to do is allow our children to live from their own power, instincts, feelings, and needs!

We have to stop controlling them!

They will immediately behave infinitely better! Try it! They will! They always do!

It’s that easy!

Can you see that happening though?

Can you see parents giving up control over their children?

I think only the strong will consider it.

Trouble is, we don’t allow strength in anybody, in our eagerness to control everything!

We bring out the worst in our young! Then, they stay that way!

The more helpless a parent feels, the more control they believe in.

Then, the less feeling, compassion, or wisdom their children get to have.

Does this explanation match what we see around us? What we feel within us?

Of course it does. It’s what happened, and it’s what we’re doing now!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “🌱Everything good in people comes from within them!🌱”

  1. I know someone that fits it perfectly 😊
    Great post👍

I welcome considering other thoughts.