🌱All the good stuff, disappearing now, came from deep within people!🌱

Life is a force.

It causes materials to arrange themselves to become it’s own physical shape. It keeps that order until death.

That energy comes from deep within! Everything sustainable and honorable comes from the inside!

Support that self-drive as all of nature does, and we get kind and supportive people.

Override that inner drive, and we get lost and hurting people.

They cause conflict and war.

That’s where evil comes from.

All of life supports their young. At the very least it never discourages strength.

People have forgotten the need to do that!

We are paying for it. Our environment has become toxic.

People are critical and at odds with each other. The land is contaminated!

People are the world’s most loving creatures.

It’s our natural condition.

Any infant supported in its own inner strength and development will become a loving and supportive human!

That’s a fact! It’s always true! It doesn’t need proof. Just look around.

It’s because all life is designed to live from its own energy!

But, we have made people competitive and mean instead!

We did it through the discouragement of their inner qualities and strength!

We want things our way.

Their need to be strong and independent gets ignored until they leave home.

Our support for their loving inner qualities isn’t happening.

As we do this, what do we expect?

There is no mistake here. We have done this to our world.

We have deprived the world of the most loving human qualities of people.

That depends.

Can a damaged and hurting person allow their offspring to be strong, happy, and complete, by being driven from within?

So far, we can’t!

We are determined to decide everything.

We are determined to believe that we need to do that.

Never mind that the minute we stop our controlling ways, everything gets better.

That’s just something that we don’t want to see!

We will find something to control that doesn’t even need it, and start the process all over again.

We will cause new life while trying to be strong, to hurt instead because it can’t use its own drive and instincts.

We have been doing this for a long time.

We deserve the sad, hurting, and lonely lives we have created for ourselves by doing that.

But, it doesn’t have to stay this way.

The energy of life comes from within.

What comes from within is wise, kind, and pure.

It is guided by instincts and needs. People’s needs are simple. We need the support of each other.

Our interference with these needs only causes damage.

Support our young and the world gets better.

Their strength and wisdom all come from the inside!

We need to be backing off, and supporting that inner strength!

All by itself, that will return us to a loving world.

Not doing that, is what has brought us to all this fighting!

It’s that easy, and it’s that hard!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

I welcome considering other thoughts.