This is the path to non-destructive, trusting people!
We all want world peace! That’s actually not difficult!
We dream of an environment where we can trust others, we feel safe, and we feel accepted!
We can have that!
Ironically, it’s our default condition!
All life gets its own power. All life get supported in using and keeping it!
Except people!
People are born with a fixed identity, and the power to succeed right through life!
Our upbringing methods have very gradually moved from supporting that power in our kids, to banning it!
The comfort, trust, and community in our world diminished in exact step, as we did that!
An easy fix!
All we have to do is allow our kids to keep their natural power!
Then they grow into adults with natural power!
Whenever we manage to protect that power, we get people in their natural condition.
These people are loving, trusting, playful, and compassionate.
It’s the default condition for humans!
There is no greed, defensiveness, or drive to be important!
Complete with their self-esteem, they naturally feel as important as they will ever need or want to be!
It’s feeling unimportant, and then trying to compensate for it that’s causing all the fighting!
A pattern of hurt!
People these days are not kind, and they’re still getting meaner!
Its all about inner power!
Without it, we hurt. We become defensive and angry!
That’s all that’s wrong!!!
Throughout history, the same pattern happens in every culture!
The more power the kids get to keep, the kinder and more loving the civilization!
That’s because kids who feel powerful grow into productive healthy adults!
On the other hand, controlled kids suffer from feelings of helplessness, and from living in a traumatized environment!
They grow into suspicious and confrontational adults. The result is a lot of highly competitive often greedy adults in a hostile world.
This would seem to say that the nature of any civilization is determined by how the kids get treated!
Well, it’s true! It’s accurate!
For a healthy civilization, the children must not be hurting!
A new beginning!
New beginnings have been tried repeatedly! It has almost never worked!
It hasn’t worked yet, because the new beginning has to include people getting to keep their own power.
If a person loses their power its usually gone for good. It’s a long way back!
It’s critical that children don’t lose that inner power before they make it to adulthood!
They will need it all through their lives!
That’s the critical but missing quality causing all this conflict!
With our power, trust remains the normal condition.
Respect for community life and good relationships happens, just as it should. This even works within families!
The concept can be tested on a small scale!
Or, we can just look around at families who support the power in their young, as opposed to those who demand absolute obedience!
Look for gentleness, love, trust, and really good relationships, rather than financial success! People after unlimited power and money are motivated through hurt, not trust and compassion!
Most people want freedom if it can work.
Freedom only works if people aren’t hurting!
Self-esteem support!
Identities are fixed from the moment of conception!
We cannot make our kids into what we wish!
What happens when we try?
We teach them to hide everything that we don’t like!
We have picked a fight with their true identity!
They hurt!
Just look at them! It shows!
They feel helpless without their self-esteem!
There is no way at all to feel strong while concealing much of who we really are!
We should still feel like this!

The repair!
For those ready for change, the one critical need is to allow our young to always feel the power they were born with!
This returns us to natural life. All life is supposed to feel strong!
The biggest difference from our present ways, is we support the child’s own power from day one!
They will be many times more responsible, cooperative, and good at things.
Our kids all feel helpless right now, and they hurt! That’s why the huge difference in ability. That’s why the defiance.
I have seen this difference, and it’s real!
It’s a universal truth!
Parting from natural ways is risky. That’s what we did when we stopped encouraging our young to power their own way.
The isolation and hostility of our present civilization is simply the consequence.
Bringing us back to feeling our own power fixes many problems, some we probably haven’t even noticed yet!
There is another issue to consider. If we allow our kids to keep their power, and as the world becomes gradually kinder, our generation will be left still hurting.
Some of the other posts suggest the general direction to begin correcting that. It’s not easy to change without the support of our own power.
The path is re-integration of all the feelings and experiences that we avoid because they hurt. As we accept these uncomfortable feelings into our awareness and accept them as part of us now, we slowly begin to grow stronger.
As we move in this direction, in therapy or on our own, the world’s understanding of the importance of personal power is going to become better recognized, accepted, and understood.
Understanding our need for personal power, I hope it won’t take long for us to become really good at repairing people’s self-esteem!
Thanks for listening!
This post is part of
Good luck on your own journey,
Take care,
I welcome considering other thoughts.