For people, the quality of life can vary from pure natural joy to an intolerable gray existence.
Once we lose the pristine quality of our lives, we also lose the awareness of what life is really supposed to feel like!
There are two problems with this “vanishing awareness”!
First, we stop trying to get our joy back. We don’t realize it’s gone.
We forget that an optimum level of life even exists. We forget how good life used to feel!
That’s one problem.
Secondly, we unintentionally treat others so they also lose that high quality of life, that should be the standard!
In these times we affect each other to a much higher degree than ever before.
Between our belief systems and the media, our influence over others has reached a critical point.
We have, bit by bit, brought the quality of life from exciting, to drudgery.
Being no longer connected to the thrill of life, the great majority of us are working hard at making it even worse.
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There is a way to measure our condition! If we are fully connected internally, we are fully alive!
People can become damaged without being consciously aware of the change.
As an infant, in pristine condition, we are fully connected internally.
Our identity leads our way, determining our general direction.
Our instincts, and our awareness of our internal and external surroundings, along with our senses, and our needs, determine our actions!
Nature has provided each of us with amazing energy as the gift of life. It’s our survival power. We will need that for our entire lives.
As long as these systems remain intact, life is pure joy! Most of what we do is for the pure thrill of it.
Humans in this condition are non-destructive.
Our language includes the word, happiness. The word is trying to convey a feeling This is the feeling.

Do any of us still feel like this? Do we even remember we used to?
Well, we all did once!
Our level of internal connection determines our quality of life!
We all chase different goals in our unique ways of trying to improve our lives!
Compared to internal connection though, possessions are hopelessly inadequate at changing our quality of life very much.
There is no other effort that can bring more joy than returning to our original feelings.
This is the real thing!
This is real life!
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There is a lot to learn and sort out in the consideration of internal damage, and feelings of well-being.
A general theme though is inner power!
We all come through our childhood with different amounts of this inner strength remaining!
Anybody still feeling this inner power is still internally connected!
Those of us who feel helpless have used up that inner power trying to remain self-driven and whole!
Without that inner power, life is a poor substitute for the real thing.
If any of us could feel the two extreme ways of feeling at the same time, we would never again be satisfied with life the way we live it now!
It’s better dying while still trying to get our real selves back, than settling for life as it feels for most of us today!
It’s all about feeling naturally powerful!
We used to feel that good, and we still should!
Respect for life is perhaps the lesson we need to honor!
When we respect the power of all other life, the world becomes right again!
Most importantly, our own children!
They need to be allowed to keep the power they were born with!
It’s their self-esteem!
It’s critical! It’s the difference between a troubled life and an awesome one!
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Respect for other life is respect for its inner power!
Allow that, and it changes our own lives.
It also reinforces our need to own our own power.
For ourselves, the goal of life has to be living with absolute trust and never having to defend ourselves.
That means we stop demanding what we want!
Doing that immediately removes half of the conflict in our lives.
It also leaves us at the mercy of other people!
But, we can see now.
Retaliation has no place in our lives any more, from either end!
At this point, and from a far healthier position, we begin a program to satisfy our needs in a better way, one that doesn’t drop us into endless fighting!
Our goal has to be trust!
Reconnection with our own identity and feelings, as well as all other life becomes possible once we achieve trust!
Trust can only ever happen with acceptance.
Defending ourselves prevents trust.
Everything begins to repair itself when we stop standing up for our rights. We accept what is happening. At this point the real dynamics become clear to everybody.
The problem creator is exposed!
Then we move on to coexisting with others who don’t need control to be decent people. We no longer have to live with our guard up.
We can share openly. We can give openly. All conflict is gone!
It is impossible to get across how good this existence feels!
Thanks for listening!
Good luck on your own journey,
Take care,
I welcome considering other thoughts.