This picture?

It shows how we should be feeling!
We did once!
The inner power shows through! Can you see it?
That strength is not supposed to go away!
We are all supposed to get the support we need to stay that way.
All other life on our planet always does!
We should all be feeling this good!
Why aren’t we?
All beginning life needs, and gets, the power of survival. Humans, as well!
If we got to keep it, we would be acting differently.
Contrary to what might be expected, power allows us to be at our very best.
People are not evil or warlike at all. They are the most loving race on the planet.
Powerless though, we hurt. With enough hurt, we disconnect from the pain, which unintentionally disconnects us from our feelings, needs, and identity as collateral damage.
In this condition, we cannot feel another’s pain, and we can be cruel.
Mankind is only now beginning to recognize the need for every person to have the inner power they started out with.
Once we cross that river, appreciating everybody’s need to carry their own power, the conflict ends!
Yes, that’s what all this fighting has been about this entire time!
Helpless people are hurting, angry, and confused!
Our normal upbringing in these times causes people to feel helpless!
That’s all that’s wrong!
We take away our children’s power, and in time they become troubled adults, and in pain!
That’s our world now! It’s not compassionate, comfortable, or safe!
How widespread is it?
The energy of life is supposed to come from inside.
All other life on the planet accepts and encourages individual efforts to learn and cope.
With humans, this varies!
Some cultures demand absolute obedience. This causes excessive hurt and consequently internal disconnection.
Individuals of this culture will be the most disconnected from their feelings. There will always be conflict and hate in this group. It will require control to keep the violence within limits.
These lives will be the saddest. Feelings are required for fun, joy, love, and of course, trust! These people have only thoughts. Their identities, instincts, feelings, and needs can no longer be felt!
How can people be so easily damaged?
It’s the children! They aren’t able to fight back!
When they aren’t allowed to develop along their own unique path, living from their own wishes and energy, they hurt! Their identity always tries to be itself but loses.
It’s the excessive hurt that causes disconnection in the early years.
No other life overpowers their young! All other life encourages self-drive.
Once disconnected, real needs and feelings are no longer driving the bus! Hurt is!
If we weren’t hurting, what would we want?
Throughout all of nature, every life follows its own path as it lives through its own needs and wishes!
Nature gives every life a massive dose of survival power!
This is a natural high!
This power, providing it gets to drive behavior to satisfy needs and wishes, is the perfect life for any species.
It’s what life was made for!
It allows us to feel the way the above picture reveals!
Could it get any better than that?
For humans this would be the most satisfying life possible.
This understanding presents a useful epiphany. Want to smooth things out and keep everybody as satisfied as possible? Give everyone you can the most power you can. It really lights people up! So it should. It’s a tiny step back into the way things should be. It brings the best out in everybody. That may be a long road for some though.
If people could keep their power, the surprise would be the things we would do!
Humans are primarily social, kind, and loving. Also playful and curious.
That’s pretty much what you get when a person is permitted to keep their full inner power. It doesn’t show but their inner life is a kaleidoscope of feelings, thoughts, and imagination.
A person with inner power is nothing like the people we see around us today!
People today have not been allowed to keep their inner power.
The consequences are immense and astonishing.
Humans now, in these times are not trying to satisfy their needs. They can’t even feel them!
Humans have not really enjoyed life, naturally, for a long time now!
Mankind, for all its genius in creating and understanding things, is only now beginning to look seriously at our need to keep and feel our own inner power.
The most important quality in the life of every person on the planet, and we haven’t really noticed it.
This has absolutely got to be next on the list!
It is basically the study of happiness!
Proving these outlandish claims is easy.
We can look at the different results wherever the amount of personal power can be roughly established.
Children without any power at all anymore are trouble. This happens every time. They go from trauma to trauma. There doesn’t ever appear to be a reason. Well, feeling helpless is reason enough!
Children who still feel strong go about their lives doing amazing things while ignoring the chaos around them. They happily have great relationships and fulfilling lives.
It doesn’t take much observation to see and recognize this!
Feeling the power inside, we accomplish amazing things while feeling fearless.
People who feel this way look happy, have fewer medical problems, and cope better. They have good relationships!
Their inner power shows through, as well!
How bad is it?
The absence of inner power, and the resultant helplessness is why we have become somewhat shaded, short-tempered, and unhelpful. It usually gets worse with age.
It’s a lonely world now, and the lack of personal power is responsible for all of it.
It’s why we sometimes take advantage of others when we can.
It’s why we keep everybody at such a distance.
Some of us go completely off the rails and hurt anybody we can. The feelings of other people don’t even feel real to us when we hurt as badly as most of us do.
If we get our power back, and that is possible although just as painful as it was losing it, we no longer do any of these things!
We don’t want to! It was never one of our needs. It was to sooth our hurt.
How can we fix this situation?
We can put our world into recovery by backing off and allowing our children the power to fuel their own lives. They will move right into that new arrangement just like it was meant to be.
That’s because it was! Just look at all other life!
They will pick up the slack and perform far beyond anything we ever expected.
The exciting part now though, is they like us! Trust and cooperation happen, and that’s because life is the right way around now!
They will grow into trusting, loving productive adults. Civilization will recover, and become accepting right along with them as they age!
Humanity will regain its proper place in the world.
All of this can be tested in small-scale efforts. Sadly, the results are always astonishing, meaning this was in our faces the whole time, and we failed to recognize it!
But, what about us?
We have lost our power!
The value of our lives has been reduced to thoughts alone.
Everything exciting and beautiful no longer reaches us.
It can be fixed, but it’s a long road.
Is it worth it? Hell yes!!
There is no effort anywhere, that improves our lives more than reconnecting with our original inner world!
We do that by inviting everything nasty that we have ever experienced back into our conscious life! Horrible feelings will open up pathways to other feelings, which all take us somewhere else.
None of this makes any sense to us at all while we do this. Afterward, it all makes perfect sense.
It all hurts just as much as when we pushed it away. This time though, we keep it. It doesn’t hurt with the same intensity for long.
Boy, do we get stronger! Oddly, we become gentler. More dangerous though.
The gloves are off for good! We are wild again! Wild humans are great though!
This post is part of
Thanks for listening,
Take care,
Good luck on your own journey,
I welcome considering other thoughts.