πŸ†Want to Feel Loved? Let Others Drive Their Own Bus!πŸ†

There is a wonderful opportunity, open to all of us!

With one simple change, we can escape conflict.

Even better, with this change our lives get immeasurably better. We get love and community back.

As it happens, conflict is an unnatural condition.

It’s only a result. It’s the result of disrespect!

The moment we remove disrespect, conflict ceases to exist.

It was never real. It’s always a consequence of disrespecting another life. The result of denying another life it’s natural rights. It’s rights to exist on it’s own terms.

Quite a thing to say. It works though.

There is no need for proof. The proof is in the application. Use respect, and conflict just goes away, living only in the past.

How could such an seemingly innocent act, such as lack of respect, cause so much destruction?


For all life, the fire comes from inside. The drive, the spark, the determination and the energy to survive, these all come from within.

That’s an imperative. It isn’t just a need, or a wish.

When we interfere with the ability of any other life to live through their own power, we may as well have dropped a bomb on all participants.

Nobody escapes the resultant destruction. Not the instigator. Not the victim.

It has made our existence boring, and superficial. The magic is gone. Of course the assumption that we are right to direct other life is wrong as well. What is the better world? One where all life does what we demand?, or one where every other life is a self driven mystery?

Allowing all other life to live through their own inner power removes conflict from life. It really does.

Considering that, it’s not hard to accept that when others allow us our own independence, there’s not a lot left to fight about. What happens is actually even better than that. Feeling respected, people will do a whole lot for each other, all voluntarily.

That simple task though, will be harder than we would guess. Disrespect for other life, and even our own, is ingrained everywhere in our thinking. That has been getting worse for quite some time. The increasing conflict reflects it.

The origin of is it is going to be a surprise.

There is a good reason why that thinking is embedded so much in our attitudes.

Our early environment taught us that disrespect is normal, and for us, it’s locked it in through familiarity, and through the early hurt, that happened to us.

Nobody hurt us on purpose.

Life has needs though. They are absolute. Nature shows no mercy for not understanding a situation. Any miscalculation brings immediate serious consequences, no matter how well intentioned.

Nature’s attitude is, get it right or die.

It is critical then, to understand and support the real needs of life. All life on our planet needs to, and does, support the efforts of their offspring to survive on their own terms.

When mankind begins moving in this direction, we get everything that we lost back. It happens one by one, in the reverse order that we lost them.

Trust, love, community, and such a relaxed feeling of belonging, that we can completely let go of any attempts to prove ourselves. We just enjoy already feeling important to everybody around us.

What then, do we have to change to have trust back?

We have to allow all other life their right to exist through their own efforts and drive. There is one area in life that has the most impact. This alone can change civilization.

Our children own their own lives. They have the right to exist and survive through their own efforts, just like every other life.

Here also, the fire needs to come from inside. This will be our biggest challenge. This is ground zero. The moment we can allow our children to power their own way, we have redirected civilization down a completely different road. We move into the way life is meant to survive.

Quite a revelation, right? How we treat our children determines the condition of our civilization? Could this be true?

In short, children grow up feeling either good or bad, and eventually shift civilization to fit those feelings.

Conditions today, should tell us something about the recent feelings people have been in, as they grew up.

Conflict, and secrets as well, don’t ever happen if we are respecting other life, including respecting our young.

The cause has disappeared. There are steps, and we will explore them, but basically, once respected and given the natural right to own our own life, this new, but normal condition makes it possible to live completely out loud.

Live out loud? No secrets? Doesn’t that sound like the way it should be? After all, it’s the way all other life lives, every day.

This is the one place where any improvement at all, causes the biggest change to our entire planet full of people.

This is also the place where any disrespect within each of us originated. We will explore this, of course.


Respected people will do anything for each other. The first need of healthy, undamaged people outside of survival itself, is to feel loved. Damaged people have that need too, but can’t feel it. We can explore that later. People naturally feel a need to feel loved and appreciated, with every cell in their body. Feeling that, they would never risk any relationship for personal gain. This is how people, that have not been hurt, are really like.

What they stand to lose is incredibly more important than personal gain could ever be.

There is a cascading series of problems that happens with disrespect. Each one causes the next. As we apply a more accepting attitude, these unravel, one by one, bringing us back to community and trust.

Basically, as we recover, we become more aware of our own needs, which have always still been there. If we have been seriously hurt, we can’t feel them. Those who have been hurt enough, make mistakes, and hurt everybody, including themselves.

Yes, really. It all gets better. Apparently, disrespect was the root of evil.

The damage of disrespect has taken everybody, step by step, into a very deep hole.

Recovery is amazing. All the issues we thought it impossible to resolve just disappear. They were never real. They were simply consequences.

How did this much damage happen from such a small act?

The following is still to be explored.


As a new life, we have the usual needs.

We also have an absolutely astonishing inner force driving us to survive. We blast through incredibly difficult obstacles, such as learning to walk and talk, all completely through our own efforts.

Unopposed, this energy will take us through life.

Then, tragedy strikes. Our behavior becomes controlled to the point where our own energy doesn’t get to make any decisions at all.

We are encouraged, by others, to be obedient. This is different behavior than our driving inner force is attempting to guide us into.

There is no life on earth that can accommodate surrendering their powerful inherent inner drive. That will never stop pushing to be the director. Not until death.

To say this individual hurts, is a massive understatement!

There is one solution to that intolerable hurt, and that’s to escape from the feelings that hurt so much. People can do that.

Unfortunately, once we do that, we can no longer feel our own feelings.

When we can’t feel our feelings, we can’t know the feelings of others either. We used to feel that. Now we can’t.

We are now oblivious to the details when we get hurt, and more seriously, we don’t know when we hurt others.

Now we are disrespectful. Not on purpose, of course. We just don’t know we are doing it.




We support their growth through their own efforts and timetable.

This causes a different world. Their cooperation has no limits. Their abilities appear endless. There is no conflict. They help. It’s an unbelievable difference, and I expect it won’t be believed, until each of us sees it for ourselves. For myself, I have seen it, which is why I write without doubt.


Absolutely. Life will become as perfect as it possibly can, but we won’t be controlling it. We get absolutely everything most important to us, but nobody obeys us. Can you live with that?

This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are many posts, all exploring this same issue.

Thank you for allowing me to be part of your day.

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.