🐣How to be powerful again!🐣

Life comes from within!

We live from our natural inner strength, our instincts, our feelings, and our needs!

Everything good comes from the inside. Life powers itself.

When we stop allowing life to power itself, we lose all the good things.

That’s what we’ve done!

It’s why our world is so troubled now!

We lack the wisdom of our instincts. The joy of our feelings. The guidance of our needs. The strength of our natural inner power.

What limits how powerful we can be?

Ironically, the limit to our own power turns out to be how much inner power we allow others!

Every time we shut down the inner expression of other life, we put a muzzle on ourselves!

It seems the universe has a sense of humor!

We can study cause and effect! We could track countless different scenarios, sorting out what causes what.

Or we can experiment, and watch the difference in ourselves!

That’s the fastest and most dramatic proof.

We begin by accepting and allowing others to express and live by their own energy, needs, and instincts.

We stop directing them!

Of course, they immediately spring into joy. That’s all life ever wants. They flourish and gradually become responsible as well. But that’s not the point.

What happens to us?

Well, to begin with we suddenly leave conflict behind. Defiance, generated by our actions immediately ceases. The only conflict left is from others who wish to run our lives.

But, how do we feel?

This seemingly small change alters our inner life in a big way. Everything social becomes different!

The weight of the world has been removed from our shoulders.

People suddenly like us! Especially those who live through instincts, feelings, and needs. The kind and lovely people.

Ironically though, the limitations on our own ability to live out loud and express ourselves are suddenly gone!

Somehow our attempted control over others limits our own strength. When we stop doing that, we begin to feel more powerful again.

We come alive!

We may have to rid ourselves of our belief that other life needs our guidance before we can feel comfortable trying this.

We need reassurance that others don’t need our interference first!

Wherever these qualities are allowed, love and compassion also exist.

Wherever we control life to the point that these qualities are completely subdued, we get greed, cruelty, hate, and war.

Everything about life comes alive and works better when the energy is allowed to come from within.

That’s what life is!

Look around. Get comfortable with this truth, and then we can move on to getting some joy back!

This is probably the most important understanding we’ll ever come across.

It alone makes the difference between a thrilling life experience, and dreary despair!

Relationships are partnerships.

Each life is designed to power itself. It’s made to develop in its own way.

An oak tree doesn’t need guidance to grow roots.

People don’t need guidance to use their strength, instincts, needs, and feelings to find their own way.

They have been gifted with all they will ever need to do it all on their own.

When we interfere with these self-driven efforts, we cause only damage.

Whenever we take over another life we weaken it.

But, that’s not the point just now.

We weaken ourselves!

We damage our own freedom!

It doesn’t matter if we accept this understanding!

It happens anyway!

Those who allow other life, especially the very young, to thrive under their own power and efforts, always have enough inner strength to feel powerful and really good!

Those who control others feel like crap.

They resort to substitutes such as greed and hostility. They can never feel purpose or joy. That comes from inside.

When we prevent others from expressing what comes from inside, we cause ourselves to lose our own connections. We cannot heal spontaneously. We cannot live from our own identity.

Surprisingly though, allowing others their freedom does allow us spontaneous reconnection with our own inner systems!

Letting go has to be the first requirement of healing!

Limiting other life is the first barrier to our own mental health!

How is that for karma?

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “🐣How to be powerful again!🐣”

  1. An awesome one again!

    1. Thanks again.

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