As it turns out, as demonstrated through countless trial and error situations, in the wrong environment, health and happiness are absolutely not possible.
Life suffers. People suffer.
Is our present environment healthy? Is there anyone who thinks it is?
Assuming it’s not healthy, what’s wrong with it? If this world is unhealthy for people, then what went wrong?
People should be good at creating a good environment for people, shouldn’t they!
The unfortunate condition of our world is not the result of many problems, as we normally believe.
It’s the result of one problem!
We cause damage at the beginning of each life!
It’s usually permanent.
Working alone, and without any input from society, each of us, relying on our own common sense and instincts, would never cause this early hurt.
The common beliefs are responsible. For whatever reason, it’s similar to mob brutality. When someone supposedly important tells us something, we will do whatever dumb thing they tell us. I really don’t know why, but the same thing happens in crowds.
When an individual suffers a setback, there is acceptance, help, and healing.
But, in the midst of a crowd, a horrible idea grows. It would really help to understand this better.
I suspect it’s related to any damage already in existence, throughout the individuals in the crowd.
We like to view our world as a cooperative effort to take care of each other, and accumulate knowledge.
Well, it should be.
The real story? It’s a collection of people who all hurt, some more than others.
We each get massively hurt in our early youth, then go on to live our lives, with this hurt always inside us!
This causes chaos, in various ways. There are a lot of ways to deal with internal hurt that just won’t go away, and they all destroy trust between people.
That’s our real world, chaos and conflict, and that’s what brought us all, to where we are now.
Which brings us to two questions. Where does the hurt come from? Why don’t we see it, and stop?
What could cause us that much hurt, when we are little?
Not being allowed to survive!
Well, that’s just silly, we all know almost everybody survives.
But they don’t!
If you have to give up your own driving force to survive, you didn’t make it.
Everything most important got left behind.
Sorry, working with this post. Done soon.
As suggested, probably just about all the world’s conflict comes from that very early damage, as our young grow up, and have their effect on the world.
We are aware that a cruel environment can cause enough damage to an individual, that they can go on to exterminate millions of innocent victims.
We are not aware that we are consistently doing exactly the same thing, with each and every person, but on a lesser scale.
This understanding offers hope though. If we can understand what is really important, who knows how many problems we might solve, simply by providing what is needed!
Life has needs. As always, these are most critical at the start of life. Their importance gradually taper off, with time.
There are a few obvious basic necessities, such as air, water, food, shelter, and comfort.
What is not commonly understood, is that even with all of these provided, just as perfectly as it can be done, there is still one additional, and very critical need.
This one absolutely sets the quality of the inner lives, of each and every one of us.
Mother Nature provides for this need in stellar fashion.
Should any person ignore society, and bring up their young nature’s way, through their own instincts, the result is going to be exceptional. That child will be undamaged, and quite different!
Mankind, isn’t doing so well with providing for needs!
Any one of us might be arrested if we left our young without acceptable food, but there is nobody who is going to even lift an eyebrow, if we allow our young to hurt so bad, they do away with themselves.
Authorities, right across the planet, don’t even seem to be aware of the existence of hurt. That’s probably on purpose. If they did start understanding it, some mighty awkward questions might begin coming up.
Loving people understand it well though. It’s the difference between trust, and conflict.
The rest of us fumble our way into setting rules for everybody around, resulting in conflict, chaos, and a trail of broken hopes, and relationships!
Our lives are catastrophically pathetic, compared to how we are supposed to feel!
It’s about feelings. That’s probably not a surprise.
The surprise is going to be what’s required, to keep these feelings as nature intended them to be.
Nature never intended an entire population to feel so bad, they make war, or commit suicide, or murder and pillage, for no reason at all, except to satisfy some souls who hurt so much, they damage others, and don’t even know it. Or probably care!
This degree of despair only happens in nature when the mom dies, before the young can survive. With present day humans, we cause this condition though, within just about every child!
In nature, despair is never chronic. It only happens when there is tragedy.

This child’s feelings, are just as they should be!
We all know what people look like throughout this, our world, and it’s not often like this, if ever.
For us to be healthy, there is one more need that our environment has to provide.
Without it, we get traumatized people. We get defiance. We get depression. We get discouragement, and hopelessness.
We get people so hurt, they become damaged, and in an unfeeling condition, wreck havoc across the planet.
We get people in so much pain, they lose control of their lives.
Overpopulation, hate, bitterness, confusion, defensiveness, loneliness, and attempts to control other people, are all symptoms of trying to survive, without the benefit of this critical need.
These are the long term consequences of ignoring the need for a life to own it’s own right to exist.
Life can only be healthy if surviving through it’s own efforts!
Obedience is not an option. Cooperation is the normal condition, not obedience.
To be obedient, life has to conquer, and overcome it’s own identity!
The identity is supposed to power that life, and it will never quit trying.
The proof is right there to see in every relationship, everywhere. The respect for independence, or lack of it, sets the level of comfort, or the level of stress, everywhere, and always.
Mother Nature is perfect at this. Every life gets the support it needs to succeed, all through it’s own efforts.
How is it, we haven’t caught on to this need?
We need support. Not physical support. Not this time. This last, critical need is for the support of our spirit. Our right to exist, as ourselves. Our need to power our own survival.
Our right to survive, as ourselves!
Take care of us, and we suffer. Our independence is critical to our own health. That’s true for all living things. Life is designed to take care of itself.
What life needs isn’t to be taken care of. It needs support in learning to take care of itself. Nature is wiser than us, so far anyway.
That’s what our young need.
Bringing up our young in a safety net, is how to create a world full of conflict. We are doing that already.
This “cause and effect” consequence of controlling other lives can be seen, if we really look.
It’s in the condition of every person. Anybody taking the trouble to test the ratio of overcontrol to defiance and trauma, is always goi1ng to get a clear answer.
The biggest problem isn’t that it’s accurate, and true. The problem is, that its an answer nobody wants.
People who hurt, like to overcontrol others. They just don’t want to stop. It feels good.
Is there a way out? Can we find a way to respect others right to their own life and independence? If we can, we all get what we really want.
If we can’t, and we continue to overcontrol, damaging the lives of others in the process, it really doesn’t look good for the survival of humans.
Perhaps life is a test. Can we survive without destroying what’s around us? Granting all other life the right to exist on their own terms would be the pivot point, if that were true.
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Thank you for your interest, and for allowing me to be a temporary part of your life.
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.