We each need to feel fully accepted, and able to express our entire real selves.
Outside of basic necessities, this means absolutely everything to all life as well as us.
Other life on the planet already enjoys this natural right, and always has.
For people, this right doesn’t exist anymore!
That’s all that’s wrong!
When our goal becomes allowing all others to enjoy their natural needs, the world’s conflict and trouble never begin!
There is no need to ever censor any person.
Only those who cannot get their needs met are destructive.
That means everybody we ever censored! Unfortunately, that now includes just about every person!
Every one of us, who has had to modify our thoughts or behavior to suit others now lives in hurt!
We are stuck this way! We all hurt!
Mankind is, day by day, generating its own conflict by refusing to allow newborns the natural right to be themselves!
We begin trying to mold our children from day one.
The inner peace and comfort that happen when this one natural need gets satisfied is easy to test, even on a family scale.
All life gets its own power of living! People call it self-esteem!
Attempting life on this planet, we desperately need this power!
We don’t allow our young to keep their own power of survival!
Is it any wonder then, that our children grow up feeling helpless and angry?
We need to be encouraging our infants to emerge and greet the world, all under their own natural power.
If we can do that one simple task, just like all other life already does, the trouble all people suffer from, goes magically away!
Until we can do that, we all grow up hurting!
We can’t be our real selves!
We dance around the truth, never revealing anything that might cause bad feelings or make us ashamed!
If we say the wrong thing, people will become our enemies.
So we hide much, or most of who we are, and what needs to be said.
That’s a lot of loneliness!
Kids can always manage real talk. Some older people as well, when they no longer want to waste energy defending things that no longer matter.
How good is a relationship when we can’t even reveal our real identity?
What is the overall cost of settling for that compromise?
Worldwide hurt and fighting!
That’s the cost.
We knew when we were little, that we were losing that ability to be ourselves. I expect we all remember a perfect time long ago when we felt powerful.
Then we learned to be ashamed.
Hurt too! When we didn’t get the emotional support we needed, it hurt, and that doesn’t just fade away.
It leaks out, adding to the world’s discontent.
Why is it then, do you suppose, that we can’t share our important feelings anymore?
It has to be trust that’s missing, doesn’t it?
It requires trust to reveal ourselves to others.
Why wouldn’t we trust others?
My take on this is that we have already learned not to do that.
People in their natural condition are highly social. We’re also trusting, cooperative and playful. We have seen this from time to time, and the complete lack of stress and defensiveness really stands out.
For any of us who can still feel our own needs, community life would be our ultimate goal. Feeling accepted, all the way is about as good as it can get, once our real needs get their own voice.
People who can’t feel their own needs wouldn’t be aware of this. They would just feel happy in a really accepting environment, and not understand why. Unknowingly, they would begin damaging it.
What then, prevents us from enjoying the natural honesty in life? No other living thing has to hold back like we do!
Our own experience!
We started out trusting, and then we got hurt.

This is us before.
What about later?
We know what we look like now. Could this difference have anything to do with why we are critical of our own appearance?
What happened to us?
We got hurt! The hurt should never have happened. The hurt is mankind’s gift to the universe. We invented it!
We all have an identity.
It is firmly fixed at conception. We can’t change that. It comes free with all life, along with the power to survive.
This power is important to us!
In these times, our identity does not get accepted! Once again, it’s only mankind that rejects the real nature of their young in this way.
When our identity doesn’t get accepted, neither does our power. We needed that power!
Parenting has changed. We have expectations.
We set limits on what we are willing to accept from our young.
We shouldn’t do that. That alone is responsible for the misery of mankind. Nobody ever gets over the hurt that causes.
That hurt is spread throughout the worlds population.
Of course rebellion happens! Caregivers use that as justification that their intervention was necessary.
It wasn’t ever necessary!
Every infant wants to be themselves. They can’t control what that is. They are at their very best that way.
Any changes are a downgrade.
Grant them the right to their own identity, and you will see the dramatic difference for yourself!
The best any infant can do to please the caregivers is to hide everything they don’t like!
And so, here we are, still doing exactly that same thing!
We don’t trust others to accept us in our true state!
And rightly so. We learned not to, and we learned it the hard way!
This a lifetime prison sentence. A lifetime of hurt and fear for no real reason at all!
There’s our answer!
Why can’t we live our true lives full-out and wide open?
Because we already learned it wouldn’t be accepted!
The message here is we cannot ignore mother nature and do whatever occurs to us!
If we cause unintentional damage, there are going to be consequences anyway!
We can see every other life on earth nurturing its offspring.
They all support the new life’s own efforts. They encourage that life to live and grow under its own power.
It is clearly obvious that this is the way of life.
All we need to do is take ourselves back to these ways.
This step is no different than what happened 50 or so years ago when we all stopped hitting our children to get the behavior we wanted.
It’s simply the next step. We allow them to be themselves. What a concept!
Now, does that sound wrong?
The surprise is the quality of the kids when we accept their real nature! Mankind is right in being proud of who people really are!
Allowing their entire identity causes immediate and awesome change!
The difference this time, is we get changes that benefit everybody, and feel really, really good to all parties.
An entirely different world emerges.
Imagine the improvements in health. The reason for psychosomatic disease is suddenly gone!
The anger that caused defiance and hate will also be gone. Resentment and defiance would have no trigger, not anymore.
Make no mistake, these hurts that live inside us have caused the world to be as it is.
It should be no surprise that we caused the hostile condition of our world, all by ourselves.
It will probably be a surprise though, how much simply changing that one bad habit immediately changes our entire existance.
A whole lot of our world has been created just to ease the hurt that we all live with. If we fix it, we won’t have that need anymore.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect the entire world to change direction, because it will.
Not allowing a person’s full identity to take an active part in life was a serious thing to do.
Huge side effects should be expected when we do anything that unnatural, and boy, did we get them.
For once, the changes we cause can be good ones.
Want proof? Try it!
Change is instant with little ones, and takes progressively longer with older children.
Welcome your children’s entire identity to express itself freely. Support their own power. You are just not going to believe the changes that will happen.
Your job just became so much easier, you are going to be amazed anyway, even after hearing this.
This is when we discover what real love is! We thought we knew, but the true feeling is far outside of what have become used to in these times.
Not many of us have ever had the experience to know that this intensity of pleasure is even possible. If we can still feel our needs, this is the jackpot.
Healthy, expressive humans love to play! That will be an additional and delightful change.
When we regain the ability to express our real selves without worrying about whether its acceptable or not, we can act silly, play, and enjoy the company of others in the same way we could when we were little.
Just imagine that much fun again!
How did we manage to get here? We did it one small step at a time.
When we are hurting, we cause a lot of damage trying to relieve it in ways that can never work. That’s because we have blocked painful feelings and cannot get to the real issue. The way back is through those hurting feelings.
Our immediate goal should really be to never again generate hurt within others!
Thanks for listening,
Good luck on your own journey,
Take care,
I welcome considering other thoughts.