This is how we are supposed to feel!
Does anybody still feel like that?
People are not supposed to feel bad about themselves!
No life should.
But we all do. We are the only life on the planet that feels a need to hide our own feelings.
We each felt as good as the girl in that picture, in our beginning.
The ways mankind uses, no longer allow that. None of us get to grow up, still feeling this way!
We are preventing every person from remaining this happy, and this healthy.
Of course it’s not intentional.
We cause hurt though!
One by one, we hurt each person in their early youth.
We hurt them badly enough, to cause them to distance themselves from complete connection, with their own feelings.
Doing that hurts!
The defiance we get from our adolescents is a consequence. It’s not a part of normal life at all. It’s never been necessary! We cause it, ourselves.
The disrespect, the drugs, the attitude towards us, it’s all a consequence of the hurt, we ourselves cause.
What hurts?
We never allow them to be themselves!
Every new life gets an identity at conception. They can only ever be that one thing. They are gifted the abilities, and the energy to not only survive, but thrive.
However, it’s all powered from the inside. The guidance, the direction, the values, and the interests, it’s all driven from within.
Every new life is already complete. It will develop into who it already is. It cannot successfully be anything else.
All of nature gets support and encouragement to be what it is.
That all sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?
When mankind can allow the same thing, all the conflict, the hate, the violence, and war as well, all that simply vanishes.
These were never a real thing.
They were the consequence of excessive hurt!
Hurt applied to a new life, through not allowing it to be itself!!!
What happens if we deny a life the right to exist as itself? What if we tell it what to be, instead?
It hurts, hurt is what happens!
All life shares common needs. The biggest need is the right to be themselves.
Every new life blasts onto the scene in full-out action.
Amazingly, not allowing our young to “drive their own bus”, is basically all that’s wrong in mankind’s world. That alone, causes all this trouble!
World wide chaos, all because of early hurt! It makes sense, but what an astonishing situation.
We will get into how and why this keeps happening, even getting worse instead of dying out, as well as how we can remain unaware of the hurt and the damage that we cause, all done by us, with no intentions of ever hurting anyone.
For the moment though, can we stay with hurt being caused, and the resultant quest everybody goes on, in an effort to feel better?
It is these efforts that set the stage, that allows us to be blind to any hurt we cause in others.
Why did drugs, social media, and even television, come along in the forms that they have?
These ease our hurt!
These are all medicine for people who are hurting, in some way.
Attempts to punish people into behaving better, become just silly don’t they, when we realize we are trying to punish behavior, that we ourselves caused, by unintentionally hurting youngsters.
How can punishment work if people are acting out, simply because they hurt?
We get anger and violence, hostility and defiance.
We wonder why, and we try to punish that behavior, all the while unaware that we are causing it!
I would think our goal should be to end the hurting!
So, let’s look at that!
Asking a person who is hurting, what happened and what’s wrong, doesn’t work. They simply don’t know. Each time we ask, we get a different answer. There are good reasons why they don’t know. We will get to those reasons.
Since asking doesn’t work, we will have to understand the needs of people! If we know that, we can work out what is missing. That way, we learn what could be causing this hurt.
How do we establish those needs? Clearly these are not what we thought, or people would not be hurting.
How about looking at other life for answers.
There is one thing in common, significant enough to account for this much hurt.
All other life is powered from within!
Presumably, people used to be, as well.
People aren’t allowed to be powered from inside any more!
Could that cause the hurt?
It’s not hard to test! Allow it to happen with your own young, and watch the results. Allow them to power, and guide their own way.
What happens next is simply astonishing.
The younger the children, the quicker the anger and resentment disappears, and the sooner cooperation leaps into existence.
That experiment shows the way! It tells us how to move away from conflict and hate, and back into community, and cooperation.
There are questions though.
Why don’t we see this happening? Obviously, if we could have, things never would have got this far.
What can be done for us? Assuming this solution works, (it does work), and the next generation doesn’t have to suffer hurt, like we did, and still do, it leaves us living vicariously behind our own safe walls, but now the rest of the world is living out-loud, not hiding a thing.
How do we get back what’s left of our turn, at real life?
We will get to these.
Along with the realization that our young are changing because they hurt, comes understanding. Everything in life that we struggle with, suddenly makes perfect sense. Seemingly selfish acts everywhere, turn out to be cause and effect results of previous hurts.
Suppose we were to set out to learn what people really need. What does it take to make a person feel really good about themselves.
Why is this a neglected field of study anyway? Why is there this giant, glaring gap in our quest to understand our world.
Our list of things to understand seems to be very much guided by our existing beliefs.
If our beliefs are ignoring people’s needs, and causing world wars as well, it’s time for a reboot, no matter how attached we are to them.
An exhaustive undertaking to determine what infants, children, and adults really need, would cost almost nothing, compared to the projects happening around the world these days.
But it can easily remove all conflict, just like magic!
What would be first important thing to know? I would want to know “if we were to satisfy a person’s every real need”, what kind of person would result?
All the evidence leads to the same answer. A kind, untroubled, fun loving, empathetic, playful person, with absolutely no inner need to climb over others.
In this condition, there is no need to be the most important!
I expect it is apparent that increased control over other people, causes increased tension.
It also causes unbelievable inner pain. Everything we are, is trying with every cell in our bodies, to be the one and only thing we can ever be! Giving that up feels similar to dying. It’s so bad, sometimes dying is the answer! This is serious, life and identity threatening, serious.
I would like to believe that we already understand, and accept, that the people causing the worst atrocities are the damaged ones, who have already suffered the worst bullying.
Undamaged people don’t cause hurt.
Damaged people invariably cause hurt, even while trying to help! That’s because they can’t feel it. They don’t know when they are causing hurt.
How can we recover from damage?
There is a golden rule! It’s a natural rule! It’s really cause and effect!
๐The more any person is allowed to live through their own true feelings and identity, the less troubled they are, and the more kind, gentle, loving, and compassionate they are!๐
Unsurprisingly, this is nature’s way for all life! Support in all of their own efforts.
Throughout history, we have all lived our lives with this relationship in the background. It always works, and the same way every time. In our quest for personal freedoms, this relationship keeps appearing.
It’s an obvious relationship. Why isn’t it common knowledge?
We cannot see it, if we are already “hurt blind”!
This is the only reason we cannot see what is so obvious. Proof of this is easy. It always works the same.
Respect a newborns independence, allow them to power their own life like nature intended, and what do you get?
An untroubled person. A loving and awesome person.
It’s never too late. Try it now! Every effort, no matter how small, helps to ease the level of hate and defiance through society.
A quick summary. We cause hurt to our young. They can only be who they are, which is for them, the best of the best. They hurt when we don’t allow them to be the one and only thing they can ever successfully be. They hurt so bad, it becomes necessary to disconnect from their own feelings. That makes them hurt-blind. They are no longer aware, when they hurt others.
We can fix it all. We can be as complete and happy as we were in our infancy. Nature already does that. It’s about respect.
Every life has a natural right to be itself!
How could anybody disagree with that? What would you have to be thinking?
We will move on to those of us left in “limbo” when and if society manages to allow the natural independence of our young.
Should that happen, the hurt will be gone, other people will feel good, but we won’t. We will still be disconnected, and hurting.
Recovery is all about reconnection. The golden theme is ——–“OWN IT!”
Every feeling, every thought, our wishes, our real nature, it’s all us, and we need to own it! We started out owning it all, and reveling in it!
We will be ashamed of much of who we are. We have been misinformed though. There was never anything wrong with any of those things. We were right to be proud of them, and we were, in our beginning.
Some of our wishes will be about our hurt. Some of these might not be appropriate. As they get expression they will dissolve. They were a result of pain, and never real. There is danger though, in acting out any of these wishes before they boil off, into nothing. We have to be careful with the complete release of everything that we are. Our troublesome behavior dissolves into nothing though, as we make our way into full expression.
What do we get? Full confidence. No more driving need to prove ourselves. Ever seen an infant that doesn’t have full confidence?
We get excitement, imagination, and wonder back. We get life back. Hiding most of who we are isn’t living! We may as well be a character in a book!
One minute of real life back, and nobody is ever going to settle for this present existence ever again, not for one more minute!
Thank you for allowing me into your life!
This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There many posts on the same topic.
Norm Cormier.
I welcome considering other thoughts.