Our present environment is not natural.
In good condition, people are kind and loving, not warlike!
People don’t normally have hate in them.
We don’t normally feel helpless either, or feel so inadequate that we keep much of our lives secret.
What has happened to the kind and loving environment that we know can happen?
It’s gone, isn’t it.
We have lost it through mismanagement!
Life is about feeling powerful!
Everybody is born that way.
If we can stay like that, we remain undamaged, and we are generous and supportive people.
Anybody who still feels powerful is naturally compassionate and fun. That’s who people really are!
Our common goal needs to be keeping people feeling the power they were born with!
If we can do that, we can have world peace!
Is it clear that the stronger people feel, the nicer they are?
Perhaps it’s more obvious the other way around. The more troubled and helpless people feel, the more trauma they cause!
Should we keep the natural power that we were born with?
Throughout mankind’s struggles, it has never been properly recognized that people are born feeling powerful.
It hasn’t been recognized that when we unintentionally take that power away during childhood, everything changes. People hurt, and then we get conflict!
Inner power can be seen in every infant!

Keeping that feeling of power is the difference between a fully functioning adult, or a helpless adult, back against the wall and ready to fight.
All together, we have managed to fill our planet with adults who have been stripped of that early power!
Everybody struggles with self-esteem and then competes to appear important.
This is simply the consequence of not honoring and protecting that feeling of power that every child is born with.
This is not only the most important “cause and effect” system in human dynamics, it’s also the easiest fix imaginable for most, if not all of the worlds problems!
Let them keep their natural power and people remain the kind and gentle souls that we all know is possible.
What this improvement really amounts to is eliminating damage to the natural power within each new person.
With their power still intact, people don’t hurt inside!!
When they don’t hurt, people are their natural selves!
Natural people are comfortable and loving! They aren’t evil at all.
Everything bad about people comes from hurt. When they hurt, they disassociate to avoid the pain. When disassociated, they cannot feel their real needs or feelings either. They become destructive, to say the least!
All life is born with survival energy. People call it self-esteem. It feels good!
All other life in our world is supported in every effort they make, and their power is encouraged!
That’s all we have to do!
The very second we support that power in our own kids, everything changes!!!
This entire epiphany is easy to test. Just support the efforts of the kids. Praise their accomplishments instead of forcing obedience.
Watch the astonishing difference!
Enjoy the sudden cooperation! Enjoy the love, trust, pure happiness, and fun.
Life can be easy, but the rules for it have no mercy!
When we ignore natural ways, there is no wriggle room. We get immediate, and unlimited pain.
Our entire population hurts because they lost their inner power early in life.
All we have to do, is not do that to our young any more!
For those of us who want our power back, that road follows an unexpected direction.
It’s the opposite of what we habitually do to keep ourselves comfortable. We need to accept and invite back every feeling that inside us that hurts.
As we accept hurt, this act invites feelings and experiences from other times into our awareness, and few of these make logical sense. They make emotional sense though, and accepting that they have meaning and importance takes us to unexpected revelations of our emotional past. This road may be all hurt and embarrassment, but it takes us back to eventually being whole again.
We have been pushing hurt away. Doing that makes us steadily worse, and our world becomes smaller.
Accepting and sharing hurt is what we do in therapy. Dragging out our worst secret fears and feelings makes us better.
We get better because it allows us to reintegrate those qualities we have pushed out of consciousness. Do this long enough and we begin to feel our natural instincts again.
A little further and we feel our own needs.
With every bit of progress, we become nicer and more accepted. The big bonus though is how much stronger and untroubled we feel. That part’s awesome!
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your own journey,
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com
Take care.
I welcome considering other thoughts.