💑Do we all need self-improvement?💑

The sad truth is our accepted ways of raising infants and children causes damage.

We unintentionally cause them to disconnect from their own identity, in an effort to reduce the hurt that they are feeling.

All these children eventually enter the adult world in a quest to self-improve. What that really amounts to, is they try to get back what they have lost.

All world wide self-improvement is the same thing. An effort to fix self-esteem damage, that should never have happened.

Please allow me to explain.

All life has identity. That’s the source of the power that causes that life to go all out in an effort to survive.

Coupled with instinctive racial wisdom, feelings, and an ingrown connection with all life, it is the source of imagination and the all-out will power to succeed.

In all of nature these efforts are supported in every way.

People though, have lost the wisdom of supporting these efforts. People attempt to take over that job.

Infants and children dive into life, quickly learning to walk and talk. Left to carry on, they will learn everything they possibly can. That’s why all the questions.

What they run into though, is a demand for obedience.

Countless times in every hour they are presented with the choice of following the drive of their own identity, or following the directions of others. Because of punishment they lose the battle of their own identity.

Breaking up with our own identity is incredibly painful. Every person in therapy will understand just how bad that feels.

That’s what every child goes through. This is what we went through. We can all remember a perfect time long ago. That’s when we were our own identity.

Of course the solution is to support each child’s identity, as all other life does. It’s not even difficult. It’s far, far easier, loving, comfortable, exciting, and it results in the most wonderful person ever.

If we could reach deep inside, to our own identity and instincts, this is how we would do it.

It’s only the input from our culture causing us to take over instead of supporting our young.

When this message becomes accepted, the world will begin it’s way back to the loving playful environment it was meant to be.

Once damaged, people are resistant to allowing others their freedom. A damaged person has no morals or sense of right and wrong! That’s because they are not connected to their own identity.

They cannot seem to accept that others do have their own inborn sense of right and wrong.

It’s ironic though, that in their insistence that others need to be controlled, to be good, they cause the very damage that makes others capable of viciousness and atrocities.

They also take all the joy , spontaneity, and imagination out of life.

So here we all are, on a quest for self-improvement. All of us trying to undo damage to our own self-esteem.

What a sad and terrible waste of joy and happiness.

Thanks for listening.


I welcome considering other thoughts.