People don’t feel powerful any more!

Instead, we feel kind of helpless!

Feeling helpless, we live defensively.

It takes a strong and confident person to care about others.

But, we don’t make people that way anymore!

Why not? Where did we go wrong?

All life gets the power to survive! People too!

Unfortunately, we don’t let people keep it!

That’s all that’s wrong!

That’s all we did!

That alone has turned a loving race into people full of hate!

And rightly so!

Losing our power is serious damage!

Consequences should be expected!


Fear happens!

This is all about fear!

All life is born with the power to thrive and survive.

People call our power, self-esteem!

All life powers its own way!

That’s what life is!

Somewhere along the way, we stopped letting our children power their own way!

We expect them to be happy doing as we say!

But, that’s not what life is!

All life is driven from the inside!

What, would you guess, happens to any person who doesn’t get to keep their power?

Fear seems obvious, doesn’t it?

But, it’s not a direct consequence!

It’s the result of the internal breakup that happens when a person cannot pursue their own life, but instead must obey.


We can have community life back any time we want!

We can even do it on a family scale!

But, it’s a hard sell!

People have to accept that life comes from inside.

Then we have to respect that our children need that natural right as well!

All by itself, that fixes everything!

It even fixes war!

That’s because people who feel their own power aren’t afraid!

They have different goals!

They value relstionships, not greed!


Those of us not allowed to feel our own natural power find it hard, perhaps impossible, to allow that freedom in others!

That’s what we have to do though!

That’s all we have to do!

Everything will then return to normal!

That’s because everything is, once again, normal!

Try that, and enjoy love once again.

No more fear!

Thanks for listening,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.