πŸ’•Only our identities and instincts can make our lives right.πŸ’•

With enough of us living through our inner lives, our culture can become kind once again!

Doing whatever feels easiest is what has brought us to where we are now.

If we continue to do that, our lives will continue to get lonelier and more violent!

We each carry our own rulebook for life. It contains the accumulated wisdom of the entire human race throughout its existence!

Ignoring that gift is a failed experiment.

We have invented greed, hate, war, loneliness, and a lack of morals throughout the population.

We arrived at where we are now by teaching everyone to ignore their own internal wisdom and strength!

We start with our infants in these times, and we have come to believe it’s the normal way of life!

It’s not normal at all though, and it’s taking us to a very bad place!

We are supposed to be living from the inside. All life does! Our identities should be leading the way.

We each already have more guidance and assistance than anybody might imagine.

This assistance is our own instincts and feelings, along with enough confidence and inner power to keep us infinitely happy!

Being aware of our own condition, we can go directly to the satisfaction of our own needs!

We can normally feel these needs! Being able to feel them, completely changes our behavior!

Our values consequently become healthy for us!

I doubt it will be a surprise to anyone, that these values are very different from our present-day ones!

That’s right! We can’t feel our instincts! Not any more!

Well, why not?

We have all been trained to ignore our own identities and instincts from the moment we were born!

It leaves us deeply unhappy. It leaves us without inner strength. It leaves us without confidence or morals.

We all leave home now with the intention of filling the big empty hole within us. We destroy our own environment in the process.

We can’t feel our instincts because we have been trained to ignore them!

We have been trained into obedience instead!

This it truly ironic because becoming obedient removed our instinctive morals and kindness!

No life is created to become obedient. All life is self-driven!

We must not confuse voluntary compliance with obedience though! When other creatures cooperate, it’s because they wish to!

Our world knows very little about support for the identity of anything.

This is the only reason we are in such a mess now!

We fumble with individual rights. We are just beginning to realize others should have some.

We will make no real progress until we support the individual right of a newborn to be its own identity though!

When that happens, watch out.

The world is going to change overnight!

This will be the first good change in a long time.

The impact is going to be astonishing and overwhelming!

The drug industry will dry up quickly. Its only reason for existence is everyone’s misery!

Accurate or not, nobody is going to accept this understanding until it can be demonstrated!

Well, it’s demonstrated every day, right in front of our eyes!

But the negative messages coming from our environment are louder at the moment.

Unfortunately, though, these counterproductive messages are taking us further into the rabbit hole!

Any child allowed to keep even a little bit of their own inner drive and strength is always infinitely more competent, happy, non-destructive, and functional.

Those children most controlled are causing the world’s conflict as adults!

That’s the proof!

It has been in our faces for our entire lives!

Anyone brave enough to experiment with supporting independence instead of demanding obedience, gets truly wonderful relationships!

We all seek happiness! Only those of us who can feel our own needs have much of a chance of ever having that comfort!

What comes up when we can feel our own needs?

Our need for acceptance as our real selves, and our need for the love of others!

That is worth more than life itself to each of us.

As you might imagine, with this as our goal, we are lovely people!

And, that’s who undamaged people really are!

We only become monsters when we are deprived of our inner lives!

If allowed to flourish from within, we are loving and kind!

Recognizing this simple balance is probably the single most important understanding that exists for humans!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need that address to return.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.