πŸ’˜Life can be real, like we used to be! πŸ’˜

Dare we hope we can get our real lives back?

Well, we may as well try!

There is nothing else in this entire world that can provide us with more pleasure than that!

Our real lives await our return!

We’ve lost something really important! Something big.

So big, it feels like we’re not really alive anymore.

We can all feel it.

We’re damaged victims, just trying to get through each day!

All the riches in the world cannot compare with the way our original condition made us feel!

Not even one tiny bit!

When we set out to improve our lives, we should bring ourselves the most satisfaction possible.

Feeling right is that motherload!

That would provide the most success that’s possible!

Some might say we lost our innocence. That’s true!

But, it’s not us that did anything wrong!

It’s something that happened to us! It happened against our will!

All the way from kings to the most helpless and poor, we have lost our way!

We didn’t fail ourselves!

Our society failed us!

With supreme arrogance, people are still causing every new person to suffer this same fate!

This has been going on for a long while now!

As we lose our real lives, we all become more selfish!

Must we carry on stamping out the thrill of life in every new person?


The whole purpose of nurturing is to support and encourage new life, in its own drive to learn!


All life supports self-drive, with one exception! Humans in these times!

All other life still feels good, as it should!

We should too!

In those rare cases where people support their young, there is no conflict!

How could there be?

There’s nothing to fight over!

Also, being supported as they are causes a belief in support within them. Conflict just doesn’t happen!

How could it?

People feel right!

As you can probably imagine, people encouraged in their own progress are nothing like us, not the way we are now!

We hurt, and the last thing we are about to do is support others!

Many of us hurt enough to run others over if we got a chance to do it without suffering punishment!


It appears that if we support and encourage our young in their own efforts, the world can live conflict-free!

Well, of course, we can! All life does this!

How do we get it out of our heads that we are supposed to dominate the lives of our young?

How did this even start?

There is one thing is for sure!

The quality of every life went downhill, in exact step with this tragically wrong, and stupendously destructive belief!

That belief alone is solely responsible for all evil, every war, and all conflict!

Exaggeration? Not one bit! Try life the natural way, and see the difference!

In every isolated situation, where a child has been allowed to find their own place in life, conflict doesn’t exist!

How could there be conflict without disagreement!

It works! Everybody gets to keep the power they were born with too!

Of course, that’s part of why it does work.

Everybody gets to be infinitely wiser!

Our instincts know far more than those trying to teach us!

This is partly because most of those doing the teaching aren’t looking for truth! Living in hurt, they want to be important, and they want comfort.

Acting this way, does love and responsibility get taught? Of course not!

It’s only our own instincts that are trying to steer us into responsibility and respect for others!

These instincts, and inner strength need support, not suppression!

When we allow others to find their own way, with our full support, everybody feels good!

Everybody stays healthy! Nobody ends up in therapy years later, over childhood issues!

With our support, internal disassociation isn’t necessary for each person, simply to avoid the hurt we cause!

People trust each other!

Love is normal!

Real love, not the watered-down thing that we call love now, then fight later!


Why do we allow the most damaged of us to make the rules?

Can we somehow step out of this and raise some strong children, who feel right?

We are going to need them, to help the rest of us get our real lives back!

This job of allowing children to keep their own power is easy!

They already have inner-power and instinctive wisdom infinitely beyond any efforts we could make.

They don’t want our input!

No child ever did!

Infants have an intact inner world! Our job is to allow them to keep it!

This world has been catastrophically negligent in allowing our young to keep the power they’re born with!

Consequently, we hurt so bad we have to remove our own feelings from our lives!

None of us get to keep an intact inner world!

Everybody needs therapy!

We all want our self-esteem back!

We have absolutely no idea how much our missing self-esteem has diluted what should have been our lives!

Sadly, that’s all that’s wrong!

The world seems to have infinite problems! Fix this one though, and the rest go away!


Let’s get together, and feel all right!

Allow our kids to carve their own paths!

They will be ecstatic!

This is exactly what every child has always needed, and wanted!

I guarantee you will be amazed at the love that happens, along with the competence that has always been right there, for all of us!

The progress of our children has been poor with us dragging them down as we do!

Free them, and watch them fly!

Seriously, that’s what life is designed to do!

Maybe then, we can begin our own real learning!

We can all feel really good, as we should! We really can accomplish amazing things.

Going into space, while we all feel like crap, was never an amazing thing!

That was brilliant people working hard at the world’s least important need!

It may have been awesome, but not when everybody on the planet hurts!

Just imagine, what the world could be like if we all got together working on how to make people feel right!

When we feel right, our entire inner world is intimately connected with our awareness!

Right there, all by itself greed and selfishness are gone from the world.

Our inner worlds know nothing about greed. They’re far wiser than that.

What they know is needs. Our needs are trust, not greed!

Is there one immediate thing we can all do to get started?

Yes, we can begin by respecting and encouraging the independence of all life!

Allow, and encourage it to be itself!

That seemingly minor effort has the ability to reposition our own place in the universe!

It’s the first step down a healthy, interesting, fun, imaginative, and far, far, better path!

It alone, can change things more than anyone would ever have imagined was possible!

It was once our own path!

Thanks for listening!

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Good luck on your own journey.

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.