πŸ’˜What’s missing from our lives now?πŸ’˜

Everything most valuable in humans comes from deep within us!

We begin life playful, loving, sustainable, and responsible! This all comes from the inside!

Our inner world is our source of joy. Our power and drive!

Sadly though, these qualities are no longer valued in these times.

Our feelings aren’t important!

Our needs, as we feel them, don’t matter to anybody. Our wishes don’t count for much either.

Our inner lives have lost the approval of those around us!

We no longer have the support to be who we are, just as it comes from within us.

Sure we can get approval. All we have to do is to obey everything we’re told to do.

It’s only intelligence, thought, and obedience.

Everything human, special about us, and most important to us, has been banned from existence.

Everything most important to everybody has been left behind.

No longer are we going to be singing together with unconcealed joy! Natural honor and responsibility come from our inner lives. We don’t see these anymore either.

Our inner qualities are all about play and love. That’s gone too!

We have a name for that. Nurture!

Mankind is being led by those who don’t know how to do nurture!

Any one of us listening to our instincts is infinitely wiser!

We need approval and support for expressing our own identities and feelings.

Doing as we’re told doesn’t work for life. Not any life!

The more we take over other lives, the more useless they get.

Our million or so laws just keep losing ground! We get worse behavior, not better!

Life starts our responsible, honorable, and sustainable. That’s all because it’s being driven from within.

Our needs, instincts, and feelings make us loving and caring.

When another takes over our lives, we lose all that. There is no longer anything real, honorable, or loyal coming from inside!

All we are left with is intelligence and thoughts.

There is no guidence! Not any more!

Wisdom came from needs and instincts. Take over our lives, and all that’s gone!

It’s the same everywhere. It’s not comfortable.

We are all on edge. Some of us are desperate!

We no longer feel accepted.

We feel lost and we fight! We use all the chemicals we can get to ease our anxiety.

We go to therapy! What do we do there? We try to coax the inner qualities we started life with out into the open once again.

We are losing ground, and we are causing a mess that we can’t fix!

We must support the inner qualities we all share that make life joyful instead of bitter!

The books are wrong!

Support the expression of our child’s inner life and we always get loyalty, love, and cooperation!

The hostility we have caused isn’t human! It’s the result of banning everything human!

To not feel accepted makes us crazy!

That’s what’s wrong with our world now!

None of us feel accepted!

Because acceptance is nothing like we think!

We are all unique! We are all going different ways. We each start with astonishing energy! We love to play, and even learning is play to us!

That’s what we need acceptance for! Life and learning on our own terms, at our own speed, and in our own chosen direction!

Do humans support that? Not on your life!

There is only one way we could ever shut the powerful drives of our children down, and it’s exactly what we do!

We tell our kids to stop and listen! We shut down the interest, instincts, and expression of wishes and needs in every child.

We cause apathy and rebellion!

We cause confused people! We cause weakness rather than strength.

We cause our young to be defenceless against manipulative and agressive people.

This is obvious all over the world now! The bad guys are taking over, and it’s us that are making it possible!

Our treatment of our children alone is responsible for all this trouble!

We humans need approval more than life itself!

We have made a muck of it. Nobody feels the necessary support.

I am about to step on a few toes here, but this needs to be said! We are wrong!

The energy for life comes from inside us!

If allowed to live through our inner drive, we humans are responsible, supportive, kind, gentle, and loving!

But, it’s just not allowed any more!

Instead, we insist on control!

Our control tells our children, we don’t approve of them!

Not as they are, but only as we decide they should be!

If they cooperate with our wishes though, they lose their own human qualities.

They can’t feel their needs, instincts, or feelings.

And, that’s how the human race got from peace, trust, and fun, to hate and war!

Life is designed to find its own way, through any and all obstacles.

It’s powered from within, and uses its needs, feelings, instincts, and intelligence to express itself and survive.

We humans think we know better.

We direct our young.

The consequence is conflict, then war, and eventually, extinction!

Life simply does not work the way we assume, and it can’t.

The proof is all around us, and we get more every day!

If directing our young, as well as everybody else, is what we have decided, then it will happen. If it does, we are going down.

Life is simply not designed to live this way!

We all need our connection to our needs, feelings, and instincts. It’s everything human. It’s love! It’s our joy! It’s our imagination and our dreams.

When driven externally, we lose all of that!

Look around! Few of us can feel our instincts, our needs, or our feelings!

What have we done?

We are wrong in our assumption that our young do better through our guidance!

The more we guide our young, the more anger, defiance, rebellion, hate, and eventually outright violence we generate.

The proof is everywhere!

This is what every child craves and needs!

We are created and designed to live from our power within!

If allowed to do that, each and every one of us is loving and responsible!

This is nature’s way!

Directed though, we become a hazard to peace and sustainability!

We can’t feel anything when directed! We become selfish and dangerous!

Then we assume everybody else is the same way, and double down on control.

What we see around us now is the consequence of overpowering other lives that are designed to be self-driven!

Want to solve every problem the human race is struggling with?

Allow our young to power and guide their own way!

Every one of them will be a superstar!

That’s because it’s who we really are!

With a complete connection to our instincts and needs, we are strong and responsible. We live through love and loyalty.

That’s who humans are. And we play! We love to play!

The results are always the same! An absence of control allows a complete absence of trouble! No hate! Only loyalty and love!

It’s us who have generated our own problems as we interfere with what is already perfect!

It is critical we stop those people determined to control everything that we shouldn’t control!

They will end human life on Earth if we can’t stop them.

There is no proof for this. There is only reality.

There are plenty of examples though! Where is the most violence and trouble? It’s always wherever there is the most control.

Where is their love, honor, and trust? That only happens where people feel approval and permission to live from their own feelings, inner strength, needs, and instincts!

For those of us struggling in life, the path back to feeling right is always approval.

For those not struggling, feeling the most powerful and excited about life still comes from an environment that approves of us.

If we can lock in on that goal, and develop an environment where we feel approval, we will make the best possible progress.

That’s what therapy does.

It’s also what life is supposed to do! Those living from their needs and feelings should be getting the approval. It boosts everybody’s life!

Of course, to be accepted in an environment that good, we will need to be able to give support as well as get it!

That can be difficult. None of us want to approve of bad behavior.

Anybody who grew up amid rules and control though, will have lost touch with their needs and instincts. Their behavior will be destructive.

We may not wish to support it, but if we don’t, it will be worse!

Recovery of connection with our needs and feelings and instincts can only happen in a supportive environment.

Our only option may be to avoid contact with others who do not support us.

Our issues may take the form of many different faces, however at its roots, this is the one issue we all struggle with.

That’s what’s missing!

Full approval is the one thing that turns life from misery back into joy!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.