๐Ÿ’People need their inner strength to be able to love!๐Ÿ’

People are born feeling powerful. All life is!

Children need the inner strength they were born with!

The more powerful we feel, the kinder we are!

It’s critical for our lifelong health!

Our young don’t get to keep their power!

Consequently, we still feel helpless as adults!

That’s all that’s wrong! That alone has caused all this fighting!

All life needs the power it was given, to function and survive! Without that, it feels helpless.

The conflict, hate, and low self-esteem we see now are the behaviors of people without power!

Without their inner drive, people can’t remain fully functional!


Tragically, life is different from what we assume!

Every life is already complete at conception!

The seed for a tree comes complete with everything it will ever need to become a complete tree!

It just needs a good environment to grow in.

Creatures are similar. They are complete at birth.

Support and encouragement are all they need.

They are already themselves at conception!

They don’t need help developing.

They don’t want help.

They only want respect for being exactly what they are.

They need, and they want to develop all by themselves! All life does!

All of nature provides encouragement, and the approval for life to be itself, and to grow!


Throughout nature, the young are encouraged to become self-sufficient.

They are accepted, and supported in growing through their own resources.

Life is designed to be self-sufficient.

When we co-exist with that need, life is good.

If we take over, life cannot live that way!

It will suffer trauma!

The conflict throughout our world, is that trauma!

When natural life learns, it listens because it wants to!

It does that through voluntary compliance. It’s own drive and power are normally encouraged in every way possible.

This is no longer what we humans are doing!

We pay dearly for that! We cause so much trauma, that we may not even survive!


Infant children are no different!

Throughout life, they are going to need the inner strength they were born with!

Their inner power is the most important tool available to them!

Without it, they cannot live their own identity!

Without their natural power, they can’t connect with their own feelings!

Without it, they can’t connect with their instincts!

Without their self-esteem, as we call their power, they lose most of their all-around awareness within their bodies and throughout the environment!

Without their own inner power, children have lost everything most important in life!

They are helpless, left with only thinking to get them through life!

The purpose of life and the joy, along with all sense of right and wrong is also missing.

Our identities and instincts normally provide those.


We can see the despair as an infant loses the battle to be themselves.

We all begin with faces that looks like this!

I expect we know we can’t keep people this happy! We just don’t know how!

Can everybody see that this person couldn’t possibly hate?

They have to become damaged first!

Well, that shouldn’t ever happen!

Tragically, it’s us causing the changes!


We can provide what new life really wants and needs!

Then it can remain happy!

At the moment we don’t do that! We provide what we choose!

We aren’t providing what they need!

The disappointment, the withdrawal from joy, and the hurt that happens are all obvious if we are willing to see it!

None of this hurt is natural or normal!

The conflict that develops should be a clue to us!

The slowing down of their development is another clue! Their heart just isn’t in it anymore!

A good example is the speed with which infants learn to talk and walk.

We will never see that rate of learning again.


Largely, because we have unintentionally discouraged it!


The proof is easy and clear for anybody willing to see it.

With any newborn, switch tactics and watch.

Parent from instincts, not somebody else’s advice!

Support their own efforts, and allow them to grow with it!

Be prepared for an entirely different world!

A world of energy, cooperation, and love!


Our support causes infants to be cooperative, kind, and loving!

Our lack of support though, as we overpower their own chosen path, causes the loss of their inner connection.

When we treat them as slaves, order them about, and expect absolute obedience, we create monsters!

This is obvious to anybody willing to see, and accept what they see.

Wherever infants and children are the most controlled, throughout the world, or within families, there is always war and never-ending conflict!

On the other hand, whenever infants and children are supported and encouraged for their own efforts, we always get lovely people!

This is predictable and can be measured!

We can take any civilization, no matter how loving, and turn it into hate and war, just by overpowering the inner drive of its young!


Children are astonishingly capable under these conditions!

We needn’t wait for maturity. It’s always there.

Conflict doesn’t exist! How could it? There is nothing left to disagree about!

Cooperation and love are natural for humans.

We only miss that now because our kids are helpless without any power!

With their power, they can’t even love us! Not real love!

All life needs its power!

Shall we discuss health? Imagine the effects of living without inner strength!

It leaves us feeling helpless! Anxiety is the normal condition!

That’s why the troubled are leading the world right now!

Strong and morally responsible people have become rare!

We can allow children to remain responsible though, by allowing infants to grow from within, in the normal way for all life!

The more children that can escape their childhood with their self-drive and inner power intact, the better our world is going to become!

Thanks for listening!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will likely need that address to return!

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.