Some of us can live in peace and harmony, always surrounded by love.
These people respect others, and enjoy being respected.
A magic life, perhaps. The default life for an undamaged human, absolutely.
Most of us want to enjoy those feelings. Unfortunately, it’s not possible for most. Changes back to our original condition are necessary, first.
Most go from one explosive relationship to another, always living in hurt and anger, or else they make do and settle in, all without respect or comfort. We all want love. It just doesn’t work, unless both parties are still capable of it!
To be open is necessary. That, of course, also means not defensive.
That’s our default condition. Ours, until we suffer excessive hurt.
We all started out loving. We all want to believe we are still the same, as grown ups, but it’s not true.
What is the difference, and can we have a better life if we try?
Well, the difference is hurt! Once we experience too much, we make changes within us that make good relationships impossible.
Once in this condition, trusting, respecting, and the sharing of any feelings is impossible. This person is going to believe only ideas, that keep them emotionally safe.

This person is open.
A guarded person looks different. It shows. That’s why we don’t like our own pictures. Hurt and defensiveness can be seen. It even shows up in our handwriting.
Hurt we suffered is not our fault.
Things we did, out of the hurt we have suffered, are also not our fault.
Others need a way to stop us, of course, if we are destructive. That’s just necessary.
Punishment is just silly. It makes the victims feel better of course. It does nothing to change the situation though, except to deepen the hurt. People act responsibly until they suffer excessive hurt. Then all bets are off! When they act out, it’s already a consequence. We can punish if we wish, but it doesn’t help. What it does, is add more hurt!
Want to really change the situation? Remove hurt. That works like magic. It has removed the cause.
This essay is about what really works, cause and effect, and the results of hurt. It’s about how life is, in the natural world, and how things should be.
It’s not about protecting all the structures we have put in place in attempts to mitigate the damage caused through the hurt, that we ourselves have caused!
As you may have guessed, it’s all about hurt. Too much hurt, and we have to escape. The steps we take to escape change us, and we stay that way, usually until death.
Where shall we go next? Should we move on to where all this hurt is coming from, or perhaps discuss how we can recover from hurt damage, or even what changed within us?
To be continued……
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Norm Cormier
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