Do we want people to behave well?
Then they need to keep the power they were born with!
That’s all it takes!
This sets behavior!
The more helpless people feel, the worse they behave!
That’s not hard to verify!
When we feel helpless enough, it becomes impossible to change our behavior! Many will agree, having been there!
We have to feel “not helpless” first! Better behavior simply can’t be accomplished without first returning some of our inner strength!
As we have, bit by bit, prevented our children from keeping the power they started out with, everybody’s behavior has gotten progressively worse!
That’s because we can’t work from our identities, instincts, needs, and feelings without having that power. We lose connection with most of those things. That changes our behavior!

This is what inner power looks like!
Right now, we don’t support that! We completely ignore it!
Surprisingly, that’s all that’s wrong with our world!
Life absolutely needs its own power!
Is it becoming clearer, that the more helpless a person feels, the worst they behave?
Kids who have suffered the most discipline have the most secrets. They have the most limitations on what they feel comfortable expressing. This is not the joy of life! It isn’t even life at all!
Real life is full expression!
All other life enjoys that!
We have all been part of a world-wide experiment!
Is it possible to take away people’s inner power, without consequences?
Well, did we get away with it? Are there consequences?
All life needs its own energy.
Every life starts out with all the inner strength it will ever need.
Throughout nature that inner drive is honored, and encouraged.
People though, on the other hand, refuse to allow the natural power in their infants to remain.
That means people grow up living without inner power and feeling helpless. In this condition, identity, instincts, needs, and feelings cannot all work together!
Allow your own kids some of their own power back, and then you can see the changes for yourself! Allow it all back, and watch the magic!
In these times, we take away the inner drive of our infants as soon as they become capable of understanding our wishes!
Unsurprisingly, this has redirected our entire civilization!
It has taken us away from community life, and into isolation, conflict and chaos!
This revelation sounds like bad news!
It isn’t though!
It’s an opportunity!
A chance to understand, and re-make ourselves and our culture back into what we all need and crave!
The entire concept of inner power is a very small field of knowledge to understand, and consequently easier to confirm, and verify!
We all need our identity to be working along with our instincts, needs, and feelings.
But, they must remain undamaged to do that!
Without inner strength, communication between our thinking, and what we feel, such as instincts, needs, and feelings can’t happen.
We become isolated from our emotional side of life. That’s because of hurt.
We didn’t give up our inner strength without a whole lot of hurt!
That’s why people must remain undamaged to be their true and complete selves!
Real and undamaged people are the most trusting and loving creatures on the planet!
That’s because they are still fully functional.
A fully functional human is kind, gentle, compassionate, and playful
We has to remain complete, with our full power undiminished!
Throughout all life on this planet, except for people, the newborn get support and encouragement in learning and managing in their own way, through their own resources!
Their own power is encouraged and supported at all costs!
That’s what life is!
But, people have stopped allowing it!
And so, here we are!
Everybody is behaving poorly!
Rules and laws are not going to fix this! What are we going to do when all of us are in jail?
Behavior is not dependent on the fear of punishment. It’s set by feeling good, or bad!
We need to respect the natural inner strength in our children. It has to come before any other consideration, now, and always!
That alone fixes everything!
The only way to prove it, is to try it out. The results are invariably immediate and consistent, especially with the very young!
In one stroke, conflict has become impossible. What causes conflict? Pressure on someone else’s feelings of importance!
Not doing that eliminates defiance! The world becomes loving again!
Very few if any of us, right now, can even feel our identities, our instincts, or our feelings! Well, maybe some feelings, but they’re all bad ones.
We are far from undamaged! Most of us recognize that! That’s what the race for self-esteem is all about!
Why has trust, community, common sense, and honor all gone away like it has?
Why have our lives become so material, and unfeeling?
Why is everything a fight now?
Is It Clear That We Have Lost Something Important?
None of us feel our own power!
That’s all that’s wrong!
We all behave poorly!
That’s because we’re not complete!
As to our chaotic world, it’s a consequence!
We have crippled every good person by taking away their power, leaving the field wide open for those without a conscience!
Our world is driven by those without a conscious! That explains a lot, does it not?
It seems obvious that the music we make and listen to is an expression of how the majority of us feel! Even our cars look angry now! Are we concerned yet?
I apologize for any repetition.
This post is part of
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your own journey,
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.