We are all born powerful.
It can be seen in every infant.

Most of us have lost our inner power! That’s our struggle.
Every life gets it’s own energy.
It’s for survival! It’s what we need to function!
All creatures get encouragement to develop their own abilities through their own efforts and inner strength.
Humans have been brainwashed by beliefs!
We have a hard time allowing our young to lead their own parade! We just can’t do it!
But, when we do, we get lovely, competent, and cooperative people. We never get haters!
All life lives from inside!
That’s what all this power is for!
Only one creature has apparently forgotten the need to support these self-driven efforts!
I bet you know where this is going!
Mankind, for all its genius, has completely forgotten the one most critical need on the planet!
We have stopped supporting self-drive in our young!
Fear has risen in our population, in exact step!
We talk about poor body image! That’s simply a lack of inner power!
We talk about low self-esteem! Once again, it’s simply a lack of inner power!
This one simple omission of supporting the inner strength in our kids is solely responsible for every bit of the conflict throughout our civilization.
It’s true! Conflict varies in exact step with supporting inner power in the population.
Wherever people support power in their infants, conflict doesn’t exist!
Humanity has forgotten that the power of life comes from within, and it needs protection in its most vulnerable stage of life!
What would happen if a newborn lost its power?
We ought to know! It has happened to just about all of us!
A human at birth is a completed identity with the power to overcome incredible obstacles using instincts and awareness of its entire environment on a level we’ve forgotten is even possible.
When other people make our driving power impotent, then our identity has no purpose.
It still tries to lead, but loses every battle. Instincts, awareness, imagination, and everything else similar, become orphaned.
Only thinking survives intact!
We have all suffered this change to different degrees!
Many of us remember having a purpose, but that is gone from us now!
Many of us believe we were bad at times! The truth is different. As these painful changes happened to us, our behavior was an honest reaction.
To us, at the time, our actions felt fair and justified. No matter how badly we behaved, it fit our feelings. We felt justified, and we were!
Being shut down in our natural drive to survive should never happen!
It was others who labeled our actions as bad, and we accepted the diagnosis!
Our behavior will always match our ability to be completely ourselves.
If our freedom to be self-driven is compromised, our behavior is going to show it.
Without self-drive we feel no sense of purpose, have doubts about ourselves, lack instincts and awareness of our bodies and most of our environment, and want to improve our self-esteem!
What’s really missing is our self-drive!
We’ve completely forgotten how good life can be!
Mankind has never been destructive! Mankind is not evil.
Mankind is the most loving creature on the planet.
The only way to get the terrible behavior we are getting from people now, is to change them first!
That’s what’s happening!
We must allow self-drive!
It fixes everything! Those still with power naturally agree.
Life is much simpler when hurt is removed.
Our first responsibility is to allow every young person in our sphere of influence to power their own life.
This action has no downside. Everything gets better, without exception.
Following that, we will be wanting to feel stronger and hopefully reconnect with our own feelings!
For those of us, the problem becomes, how can I get my power back?
How can I become self-driven again?
How can I undo these changes that have happened?
Is it still possible to reconnect with my feelings, identity, instincts, and general awareness of my environment?
I expect we all want to feel strong and live out loud once again.
We suffered a lot of hurt as we lost our power.
The usual response to excessive hurt is to push it away from our consciousness.
The result is we feel better, but are now somewhat disconnected internally!
That’s right! We did it to ourselves!
We did that when our identity hurt more than we could live with!
The only way back is through the hurt.
Doing this is worth the pain, exactly as much as life is worth living!
How do we get started?
We can begin this healing all by ourselves!
We turn our habits around! We no longer avoid the hurts that we already live with.
We begin a new habit of accepting them. We allow ourselves to suffer from them.
We allow ourselves to hurt!
As we do this, we become a little less helpless every day.
We begin to get stronger. It doesn’t feel any different for a long time, but it’s there!
At some point, we surprise ourselves with something we just did! We didn’t use to be able to do that! We might also notice that others are seeing us differently!
We allow everything back in. We assimilate all that ever happened to us. We allow it back, and we live it. It’s us now. It happened and that can never be undone.
That’s what therapy does. Getting help makes the process faster.
It can be done on our own as well.
It’s a lifestyle. We stop retreating every time our feelings get hurt. We accept it. We even accept it from our past.
Day by day, that makes us feel stronger.
A lot of our conflict will have already disappeared.
As we began to accept our hurts, we also accepted responsibility for our own feelings.
We will have stopped turning our hurt into anger and hate.
It may come from others, but we can learn to avoid those people, and accept the hurt that has already happened.
Others will stop retaliating!
At this point, we will already be living in a different world. That will slowly keep getting better!
We have rearranged life to allow natural healing to be possible!
Thanks for listening.
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need this address to return.
Good luck on your own journey,
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.