Some of us can comfortably challenge the world!
Some of us can barely get out of bed!
What’s the difference?
The full and unrestricted expression of our real selves!

It’s not about being loud!
It’s all about feeling powerful!
We all feel powerful in the beginning!
It’s nature’s survival gift!
We are supposed to keep it for life!
We are always supposed to feel inwardly powerful!
Every living thing does!
For a human, this is the most precious commodity in the universe!
To varying degrees, we all feel weak now!
Humans have forgotten the need to respect and support the power within our young!
We have lost that connection with nature.
It’s a devastating loss for all of us!
We lose contact with our own identity!
We can’t express it! We can’t feel it! We don’t even know what that is any more!
With an empty gas tank, we lose one connection and one ability at a time!
Few humans feel really good anymore, maybe none!
We humans have to change our ways!
What’s required is more like returning to health, than striking out in a new direction!
We need to appreciate the seriousness of the need for each of us to keep our own power!
Our inner life has deteriorated from awesome, to about the saddest in nature!
We can’t even feel our own feelings, let alone our instincts, our identities, or most of what our senses are trying to tell us!
Many of us don’t even care if we live or die anymore!
Being without our power, our behavior is terrible!
We can see that!
We just can’t do anything about it!
Inner strength alone brings us back to honest and fair behavior, that we along with the whole world can trust!
It returns us to better times!
Interestingly enough, it returns us to believing in freedom as our default condition.
While being damaged, we recognized our own behavior as less than honorable, and knew we needed oversight. Of course there was no person qualified to do that for us. The people who take advantage of this condition are invariably the most troubled of all, only interested in their own advantage.
With our power back, our behavior has no need for scrutiny. We are non-destructive by default.
We believe in our own integrity, and therefore trust others to be equally responsible!
This is an excellent name for our inner power!
It’s just so accurate!
It’s the difference between a monster, and our most compassionate saint!
The difference between the walking wounded, and the absolute best health possible.
The difference between the homeless, and good community!
The difference between common sense, and extreme opinions!
Yes, this is the difference.
This is what happened to us and the world!
We can put it back!
Believe it, or not, it cannot be a bad thing to allow inner strength to remain within a child.
Nature provides it for every life. It must be healthy!
Try supporting that, then watch everything get better, as it will!
This is the antidote for conflict!
It works like some kind of magic!
Everybody’s life begins a return to health.
We cannot live without our own strength!
This is the secret to happiness!
We don’t have to solve 10,000 separate problems!
If we fix this one issue, all those problems simply cease to exist anymore!
They are all various consequences of not allowing humans their own rightful inner power!
Once our power is gone and we feel helpless, it’s going to be really difficult to repair ourselves!
But it’s not difficult to never again cause another person to feel that helpless!
Which, all by itself, ends this slide into violence!
We must not take over other lives!
Caregiving is a partnership!
Take away the power from others, and our job of caregiving becomes hugely difficult!
Allow it’s existence, and caregiving becomes amazingly easier, and can even be fun!
Respect might be the magic word!
We allow inner strength in all other life!
Suddenly peace breaks out!
All conflict ceases!
How could there be conflict?
Connection among all life opens up!
Some animal lovers are already aware of this magic!
Thankyou for listening!
Good luck on your own journey!
This post is part of
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.