We all feel powerful as we begin life!

We lose that power though, if prevented from living our own identities!
This is what’s happening!
The result is poor self-esteem with feelings of helplessness!
We also lose our instinctive cooperation and morality.
We cannot live somebody else’s dream and still remain healthy.
Mankind seems to have more problems than can ever be fixed. We live with the assumption that humanity is flawed.
Well, mankind is just fine!
We are creating all of our problems as we go along, all in the same way!
As we take over the lives of our young, we repress the power they need to live with!
The moment we allow our young the right to live from their own drive and efforts, they can feel powerful again.
It fixes everything!
That’s all it takes!
Life comes from within!
All these problems go away!
Every life needs to be driven by its own energy!
That’s the nature of life!
Take away its power and life becomes helpless!
One person at a time, we are making people helpless!
Helpless people are trouble!
Strong people are loving!
One child at a time, we have been creating our own chaos!
Don’t believe it? Allow any child their freedom to remain driven from within, and watch the magic!
Enjoy the love too! This is what every child craves!
Controlling a child’s life causes disconnection from their identity and instincts!
But, their identity is designed to power their lives!
It will fight back to the point of exhaustion and subservience.
Other connections are lost as well.
How can we cope with life in this condition?
As we can see, not very well!
Unfortunately, this is the condition of most of us now!
We have gone from inner strength and joy to fear, misery, and insecurity.
All life feels powerful!
But not people! Not any more!
For all mankind’s brilliance, we have made no progress at all in understanding the basic rules of natural life.
Instead, we have regressed!
We are designed to live from the accumulated wisdom of our instincts. All life does that.
Tragically, we have made that impossible for most of us!
Life comes from within!
As with every seed, it is already a finished product at conception.
It may finish developing, but it cannot be changed.
It is always most efficient when it finds its own way!
That’s what life has been designed to do!
New life needs support and encouragement.
Throughout nature, life instinctively does that in every way possible!
People though, have lost connection with our instincts!
Without that wisdom, we no longer support the independence of our offspring!
Ironically, that is what causes our infants to lose connection with their own instincts.
We will all be living without instincts, or identities as well, until we can escape this “spiral of doom”!
Feeling powerful becomes feeling helpless!
Cooperation becomes hate!
Joy becomes misery!
Because we can no longer feel our needs, we live without inner peace. We cannot satisfy needs we can’t feel!
Our needs are all about acceptance! Those needs make us cooperative and responsible.
Without instincts, we can be irresponsible, and usually are.
Basically, the value of being alive has been diminished to the point where many choose chemical help, or simply end their lives!
Most discouraging of all, we live without everything we need most!
It’s actually easier!
It takes far more effort to keep everybody damaged and sick than it ever would to allow us all joy and health.
What do we do?
We parent from our instincts!
Life immediately becomes infinitely easier!
Why? Because our kids get to keep their identities and instincts. This way, they are naturally on our side!
If we can’t feel our instincts, we need to parent from what we can learn about them.
We can bond with nature. All of nature supports their young.
We can practice living from our gut feelings!
Why aren’t we doing that already?
Because we are accepting the messages coming from our media and authorities!
Seriously, does it look like they know what they’re doing?
Do those running our world really deserve our respect and trust?
Do our instincts?
Our instincts carry the combined knowledge of the entire human race, right from its beginning!
Support any child’s inner strength and efforts, and joy, competence, and sustainability will appear!
This is nurture!
The consequence of real nurture is love and peace!
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your own journey!
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You will probably need this address to return.
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.