๐Ÿ˜›The best children got to keep their own power!

Every life on the planet is provided with the power and the energy to survive and flourish!

If every child got to keep it, this entire world would be comfortable, loving, and caring!

They would be the strong ones!

Strong people just want to enjoy life, be loved, and take care of others. And play, lot’s of play!

What do we need? We need total acceptance and approval with every cell of our bodies, for everything that we are!

Give us that, and every one of us can’t do enough for you.

That’s who people really are!

We also need our own power. We need to keep it. It’s our self-esteem! All other life needs and keeps theirs! We need ours too!

It’s those hurting, and the helpless that cause all the conflict and hate in our world!

It’s completely unnecessary to ever have even one person in this condition!

Throughout nature, the efforts of every new life are respected and encouraged.

Their own efforts!

That’s all we have to do! They will do the rest. That’s what life is!

We need to allow our young to select their own path and power their own way in life, just the same as all other life does.

Want proof? Do it for a week. Watch the difference!

There is only one way to approach life. Every other way is going to cause trouble in some form.

Our identities will guide us, and do it through our instincts! These entities understand life!

This is the wisdom we should be listening to!

Most of our present world is dedicated to either regaining the power we have lost, or easing the hurt we all live with because of our lost power!

We shouldn’t have ever lost our power!

What if we don’t do damage to each other for a generation or two!

All we have to do is not interfere. We provide the necessities, and let our children find their own way just as nature intended.

They have the tools. They, and only they, know their own real needs.

There is no need to superimpose our wishes over them.

That causes the trouble that we all suffer from right now!

All life is designed to find it’s own way, and provided with the power to do it.

When we attempt to do the same job at the same time, we have set up trauma. Being helpless, it’s the children who lose that battle.

There shouldn’t be any battle!!!

We all hurt. We wouldn’t if we had been left to be somewhat protected, but still allowed to power our own life.

There is a reason we see that all through nature.

If we follow our own instincts, we will allow young to find their own way, in their own order, on their own timetable.

The inner peace and the competence that results will be life as it should be, and it will be astonishing.

Even allowing just a little freedom causes “out of this world” results, as adults emerge at peace with the universe, and with unheard of competence.

This story is still being developed. It may change or grow!

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.