Hostility has emerged throughout our population! We made that happen!
Our leaders are selfish and have no honor! We caused that as well!
Trust has disappeared! People feel isolated! Yes, we did that too!
Honorable people struggle to even survive, while those who cheat and lie amass fortunes! Once again, we made it that way!
How did we manage to do all this damage?
We took the power away from all the good people!
They feel helpless, and they struggle with self-esteem issues.
Every life needs its own inner power and strength!
But we take that away from our children, leaving them feeling helpless!
We do it with the best of intentions of course. What good are good intentions though, when we destroy our own culture with them?
Every life needs its own power!
Every life gets born with its own power!
Throughout the natural world, this power is respected above all else!
Mankind trashes it in infancy! With the best of intentions, of course!
Without our power, human life suffers. Everybody has self-esteem issues! Unsurprisingly, this brings out the worst in people, not the best!
We cannot feel our own needs. We can’t feel our identity or instincts either!
Being unable to feel our real needs, we chase ridiculous and destructive goals!
If we can turn this back around, the honorable people will become the strongest!
How do we do that?
We honor our children’s inner strength above all else!
Do it once, and we get a real person! There is no greed! There is compassion and maybe a little play!
Undamaged people are absolutely loving! Don’t you miss that?
How do we honor inner strength?
We get the idea out of our heads that our children are little robots!
We respect them. Their identity, instincts and feelings are all equal to ours.
Their overall integrity far exceeds ours! That’s only because our identities never got respect!
We allow them their own progress on their own timetable. It’s only them that know what they need to master next, and when.
Each one is different and will choose different knowledge. Well, guess what! They already do that anyway, as soon as they can!
Working from their own power is the situation when kids learn to walk and talk. See how wonderful that works. It only goes bad when we begin our demands!
Self-drive is the situation in all of nature! It’s only mankind out of step! Just look at the consequences!
Children who feel strong grow into strong adults!
Strong adults build entirely different civilizations.
When good people feel powerful, those who cheat and lie get no respect.
People are a loving race.
Taking away their power has destroyed that. It causes disconnection within each individual.
The minute we stop the damage caused by our habit of refusing to allow others their power is when trust and health return to us all!
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your own journey!
This post is part of
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.