We are the only species to set our newborn up, to not only fail, but to live in misery, and then take the planet down with them.
All life is powered from inside, by instincts, which power feelings, which cause resultant behaviors.
At least it’s supposed to!
All the rest of nature, does manage life in this manner. All the rest of nature lives completely out loud, nothing held back!
People, on the other hand, each live in our own prison of secrets. We are inadvertently disconnecting from our identity, and instincts, and we are surrendering into following instructions instead.
Instincts are the sum total of what a species collectively understands about their environment. Each life is the very best that nature can do at that moment.
There is multi-generational wisdom here, obtained through countless cause and effect situations, through that species time on our planet.
There is a lot more, as well, bundled with the identity of every life. Joy, love, imagination, instinctive awareness, full out feelings, trust, and just plain fun.
All life benefits through this hard-won knowledge, awareness, and pure joy of life!
Except people. With the exception of the first year or two, people don’t get any of this.
We forbid everybody, especially the young, the freedom of living from their inner wisdom. They are supposed to do as they are told.
The results are ridiculous!
Chaos, war, animosity, lack of trust, and isolation, and misery are happening everywhere.
We cause it, as surly as if we set out to do exactly that!
When we no longer allow our children to live from their own inner drive, we have hurt them to an astonishing, and almost unbelievable degree.
If we can listen to our own instincts, if we can still find those, none of this hurt happens. We instinctively parent in a supportive manner. We encourage them in developing and trusting their own abilities, like life normally works.
But now, we no longer do that!
They will live with hurt, and be fearful, defensive, isolated, and unhappy for life. Many won’t even live through it.
There is absolutely no wisdom in refuting this claim. It is way too easy to demonstrate. Let a child grow through their own instincts, and drive, and the sun comes out. Conflict no longer exists. Trust, love and community, become the new normal. This is life, natures way!
This is also the best, kindest, most loving, most aware, and natural person we can ever be!

The only reason we want control, which we have no right to demand by the way, is because in our past we suffered through our own hurt!
Every life has a natural right to exist. Our children’s identity has that right. It is who they are. Without it they will be lost. They will lose touch with their own feelings, and consequently their identity.
They will become like us!
Can we end this systemic damage to our offspring? Can we end this death spiral!
This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There are many posts, each examining different aspects of this theme.
Thank you for your interest. Thanks for allowing me to share.
I welcome considering other thoughts.