🤍People are better than this!🤍

We have needs!

We don’t need all that much! Just support to survive as ourselves!

Humans are kind and gentle when our needs are satisfied!

Unfortunately, the vast majority of us have to do without one critical need!

This is the one big thing that’s wrong in this world!

It’s the main, and probably the only reason most people are no longer kind and gentle!

We can have world peace any time we are ready!

Our Unrecognized Need

This is the secret of life!

It shouldn’t be a secret! Life has never been any different!

If we satisfy this one need, everybody is nice! That’s just what people are like when they aren’t hurting.

What need?

The power of life has to come from inside!

All we have to do is let that happen!

We don’t though!

Can you imagine what that might do to any self-driven creature?

We should be supporting self-drive. As caregivers of our young, it’s our job!

All other life already does, and always has!

Ironically, it’s us that provided the name for it, it’s called nurturing!

Respect for another life, allowing it to be who it is, is not a lot to ask!

We used to support our young in developing, expanding, and expressing themselves!

That was a while ago! Ever since then, we’ve been causing our own misery.

We don’t allow our young to own their own life!

We expect them to suddenly take over once they finish school! Seriously, is that even possible?


We don’t respect that our young might already have a fixed identity!

All life does though!

Every life has a critical need to be who it is!

All other life gets support and encouragement to develop their unique qualities into successful survival!

People don’t anymore. That lack of support causes hurt! Hurt causes fear, then isolation.

Our civilization is now a study of the many consequences of not allowing people to be their own real selves!

Some of the consequences are isolation, defiance, hate, and war!

Degrees of Defiance

We see nice people, and we see others full of anger.

What’s the difference? What happened?

Every time, it’s the very same thing!

What makes a person angry and destructive?

It happens whenever a human isn’t allowed the basic right to be themselves!

This happens more often than not!

It causes massive hurt, which then causes internal disconnection.

When our feelings no longer guide our lives, hurt can cause anger-based behavior!

If feelings aren’t guiding our lives, we definitely have hurt!

People Aren’t As Tough As We Assume

We thought it was a good idea to teach our young!

We assumed it would make them more capable!

We assumed they would remain self-driven and strong.

We see how amazingly they learn on their own what they need and what they want! They “blow through” learning to walk and talk like it’s easy!

There is no reason to assume they will ever stop doing that.

In truth, they won’t stop!

We can make them stop though!

We simply force them to learn what they have no interest in learning.

We insist on our order of learning, ignoring their need to get information in the order that they can absorb it!

That not only stops them, but it also causes resentment. Might that be the end of co-operation?

The kids don’t remain self-driven and strong!

How could they? They never get to be self-driven! They are other-driven!

Children have a desperate need to power their own lives!

They fight to remain themselves! They fight to remain self-driven!

They go down still struggling!

This happens to the very young!

The degree that this happens to each infant, is a measure of how much hurt that person will always be living with.

Which in turn is a measure of how disconnected and angry the person will always be!

Keeping People Out Of Hurt!

There is a name for the inner power our identity starts out with. We call it self-esteem!

This self-driven inner power needs protection! We need to be passionate about that!

If we can do that, we have removed just about all the world’s conflict!

That’s because the world’s conflict is only an extension of the inner conflict within each of us!

Seriously, what should we expect from any life if we have ignored who it is trying to be, then made up a set of guidelines for its behavior, and eventually even punished it for trying to be itself?

Of course, there is going to be hurt in that mix! With that much hurt, there are bound to be serious consequences. That’s all that’s going on!

Healthy life

Everyone who manages to keep their full self-esteem will always be a kind, gentle, loving, and playful person!

Every one of us is supposed to keep all of our self-esteem!

If we did, there would be no need for therapy, ever!

All we have to do, to have a loving and peaceful world is to protect the self-esteem of our infants!

The Ultimate Goal!

Mankind has to fully accept the natural truth that all life is powered from within.

All life has its own identity, and it’s a fixed thing. We should not be forcing others to be who we choose!

If we can accept these natural truths, we can begin getting ready for the world the way it really is without our unnatural interference.

Loving and caring people everywhere!

It really is that simple!

It shouldn’t be a big surprise that taking away someone’s inner power could cause so much chaos!

That’s a big thing to do to any living thing.


We can look around at various families. The ones that completely take over their children’s lives are the easiest to find. There is hostility, bitterness, and confusion.

Other families, who allow their kids to retain more of their own power than the average, also exist here and there.

The behavior and the level of happiness in these kids provide the best proof available!

This is only a small step.

The reward is a planet-wide utopia like existence!

Our world is in trouble, and getting worse!

How do we bring back common sense?

This is how!

Allow people to keep their own identity, fully intact, and they all have natural common sense.

They are also a lot nicer, and not greedy at all!

Thanks for listening,

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,


One response to “🤍People are better than this!🤍”

  1. This is stronger then first draft

I welcome considering other thoughts.