💥We need our self-esteem. Support that, and love returns!💥

Nature provides the power for survival.

It’s part of the package that life gets at conception.

We call it self-esteem!

When we don’t have that power, we feel helpless and we feel despair.

Powerless, we live defensively and in fear, we attack others quicker than we trust them.

When we do have good self-esteem, we are at our very best. Humans in this condition are nothing like we see around us in these times. They are loving and playful.

I expect that just about all of us struggle with self-esteem issues in these times.

When, do you suppose, this issue develops as a problem?

As with all things, at the very start, of course!

Infants need their self-esteem.

If this goes wrong for very many, right at the very start, our entire population will suffer from self-esteem issues!

Well, here we are!

There is even a name for caring for new life, while at the same time supporting its own natural right to power it’s own way.

It’s called nurturing!

What is self-esteem?

It’s our power!

Do we allow our infants to have power?

We do not!

All life needs has it’s own power, and needs it. That’s critical.

Nature knows this. It supports all life but only through their own efforts.

That’s all we have to do as well.

Our kids are not toys or dolls.

They are new life, with their own identity and power.

When we can respect that, and support them in their own strength and efforts, we get real humans back!

Bringing up kids is both a partnership and a responsibility.

Overriding their power is well outside of nature’s limits.

No life can function properly without its natural inner self-drive.

The aggressive and defensive condition of the people in this environment is to be expected, and completely predictable, when we don’t support their own abilities to cope.

All life needs the inner power it was created with. We have been overriding it while they are young. It cannot survive that.

The trouble and despair we all live with are only the expected consequences.

Returning trust and love to our human environment, is simply a matter of allowing and encouraging the importance and drive of our very young.

Doing that, works like magic.

They come alive, like some kind of explosion. They can’t do enough for us in this condition.

It quickly returns our environment back to a community way of life.

This is all that we have done wrong. This alone is responsible for all the conflict and despair that we live with!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,


I welcome considering other thoughts.