πŸ˜₯An entire planet full of trashed people!πŸ˜₯

An emotionally undamaged and healthy person is fun, cooperative, responsible, loving, compassionate, and astonishingly competent!

Seen any of those lately?

Not likely!

They’re rare if any still exist at all!

Instead, we hurt, live in anxiety, and live defensively, all of us trying to prove we’re OK!

Many of us are so damaged we attack the innocent, completely unaware of their suffering, or how crazy we have become!

So, what’s going on?

We all have an inner world! It’s wise and it’s fun!

That’s the inner power that we lived from in our very early years!

The worst thing that ever happened to us was to lose that!

Life is supposed to come from inside!

We aren’t letting it do that anymore!

That means our inner worlds no longer have any say!

Our inner worlds are where our compassion lives, along with our wisdom, our trust, and our playfulness!

Loving communities are a consequence of our inner lives.

Without connection with our inner wisdom though, we have no conscience!

Community living becomes impossible!


No problem has ever been solved through control of others!

What it does, is it moves all parties further away from the wisdom, peace and trust of inner life!

It may change some behavior that we think we can’t live with, but at the same time it downgrades all other behaviors.

Each time we overpower another person, we cause their overall behavior to get a little worse.

It’s a very tempting thing to do as it seems to offer an immediate solution.

On the other hand, if we had never used this method in the first place, we also would have no objections to the behavior of others.

It’s our control that isolates them from their inner world and that makes them difficult to live with!

Our expectations also play a part here. If we expect obedience, we are out of line! Healthy life doesn’t do that.

People are more and more hostile now! This process of controlling the behavior of others is how we made that happen!

Belief in control

As we solve every problem with rules and punishment, we inadvertently cause everybody to believe in control!

This leads to more of the same!

This process eventually takes us to what we see in Russia and North Korea, and who knows what next!

Can problems be solved in a better way?

Inner life!

This is our source of peace and community, responsibility, and trust.

This is where love lives. This is the birthplace of our feelings, and the wisdom of our instincts!

Our inner worlds have got to be kept in play!

Those of us without firm connection to our inner life are crippled in what is probably the worst way possible!

Those of us who can’t feel our feelings have lost their trust, and their humanity!

Feelings, joy, fun, and companionship have all become missing from these lives!


When we believe in the control of other people, we try to make their lives be powered from outside of them!

Powered by us!

We are trying to get then to live from the demands of other people!

That doesn’t work for long!

It leaves every important quality that we have completely out of the action.

Doing that, the first thing we throw away is everything most important to our own happiness!

Our determination to be fair and honorable becomes disconnected from our consciousness!

Also our trust, our feelings, our fun, our sense of responsibility, love, instincts, absolute awareness, joy, and our humanity!

How did we get on this crazy path?

It’s important to recognize that there are no problems until we create them!

People are loving and responsible by nature!

But, it only takes one misguided person to cause everybody to want rules!

They do that with expectations that are unrealistic and destructive!

Along with rules comes enforcement to the vast majority who don’t need it!

Accepting control from others threatens our connection with the wisdom of our own inner world!

Great sadness accompanies our abandonment of our inner life, along with periods of crisis and extreme trauma!

All of which takes us to the eventual loss of connection to all of our inner lives!

None of this is necessary! We are all naturally and highly moral.

We are all eminently qualified to live among other humans without conflict, that is until we lose connection with our own identity!

After that, we are straight out dangerous!

It’s our enforcement of rules which is taking us away from living the joy of our inner life!

We are trying to turn each other into robots!

We are stuck in a “Catch-22”!

We cause our own problems, then take ourselves further into trouble with every move we make to fix things!

There is a cure!

We need to stand aside and let everybody’s inner-lives fix everything!

That’s where our power and our wisdom really come from!

But first, of course, we need some undamaged people who really have connection to their inner lives!

Inner life

Our instincts carry the combined wisdom of the entire human race, right from the beginning!

Unfortunately, few, if any of us, can still feel our instincts!

We can’t feel our feelings either. Or our needs!

When we can’t feel our needs, we don’t know what they are. We pursue goals that take us away from our own happiness!

We absolutely need internal connection. It’s a critical need if humans are to survive!

We are paying for not allowing connection to inner life, and there’s lots more payback to come!

Right now, we have effectively banned life from coming from within!

Human accomplishments!

Our technology is awesome!

Our understanding of life, and needs however, has not developed at all!

When it comes to needs, what wisdom we started out with, has atrophied!

Every infant understands more than we do!

At least, they do until we force them to ignore their inner life, and behave to our wishes instead!

Then, they don’t understand much any more!

The first thing we need to recognize is needs!

What are the needs of a human?

Would it be a surprise to discover that if a human gets what it needs, they flourish, are kind, considerate, and loving!

So what do they need?

The first answer from our present world, is going to be “they need what we decide to give them”!

I know, nobody actually says that out loud, but that’s exactly what we do!

Seriously, how amateurish is that?

Living this way, we have made addictions rampant! People have become hostile as well!


An invisible topic!

The best we have managed so far is to suggest a “bill of natural rights” for those of us who are disadvantaged.

Meanwhile every infant on the planet goes down, one by one, as they lose the right to live from their own identity!

We are losing ground!

Our needs come from inside! We really have to know what they are!

Can’t feel them anymore?

Imagine that!


Could it be because we aren’t allowed to live our own identity, and therefore can’t even feel our own needs!

The really sad thing about all this is the satisfaction of our needs make us amazing, cooperative, trusting, and completely non-destructive!

Through causing all of us to ignore our needs and be obedient, we have managed to invent greed, selfishness, true evil, hate, and war.

We couldn’t have done worse if we had a guidebook for the destruction of the human race!

We have created an environment where everyone in it needs therapy!

Harsh words I know. Unfortunately, it’s the truth!

Let’s Fix It

How can we learn to do better?

How can we develop systems where progress only happens by rewarding reality, and building on a foundation of established knowledge!

A system that rewards only more, and more accurate results, instead of the beliefs of some loud or seemingly important person?

Technology provided its own measuring stick for truth. That allowed steady progress, without much backsliding!

Now we need a similar system for health and happiness!

The degree of connection to our inner worlds is a great measuring stick. How could that be a bad thing?

It isn’t a bad thing! Ever! The absolute best people anywhere also have the best inner connection.

Research that if you wish! Or, even easier, research the opposite. How happy and compassionate are those who were raised with the most discipline?

How is their behavior?

Until we can measure inner connection more accurately, we can use the free clues!

Free clues are everywhere!

Faces show the truth. So does energy. Also behavior!

When we see anger, hostility, and destruction, it’s safe to assume that person is not connected with their inner world!

I suppose the big leap here is understanding that these disconnections come from childhood!

Disconnected people were never allowed to live their own real identity!

A revolution of recovery!

We can each begin a world-wide recovery by allowing our young to live from their own identity, instincts, and feelings.

Having young ones who live in this condition is thousands of times easier for us!

That only makes sense when we consider that the pain of forced disconnection has been removed from the equation.

These kids are highly cooperative, loving and trusting!

Even though we can’t feel our own needs, this trust feels just as good as it would have if we had arranged it intentionally!

In other words, even without connection to our own needs, we get happy along with them!

Our work-load is far, far less as well!

Just imagine children cooperating because they want to! They even seek out ways to help!

This incompleted post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You may need this address to ever find your way back.

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.