There isn’t anybody who could be maliciously and deliberately cruel, while still well connected with their own inner world!
Atrocities only become possible after people have disconnected from their inner lives. Awareness of our own needs prevents it!
For all of us, everything good about life comes from deep within!
Are we interesting or boring?
If our expression comes from our inner environment, the world we lived in as an infant, we are very interesting to others. That’s because we communicate on all the same common issues.
When everyone is still in firm connection with our inner lives, we are all very much on the same page!
It’s a good page too, with imagination, cooperation, trust, and compassion!
In this condition, we share similar feelings, instincts, and imagination.
For a good and satisfying life, we absolutely need to be connected with this inner world of ours!
Are infants interesting? To most of us, they’re awesome!
Do we feel strong, even powerful in this early stage? We sure do! This comes from inside!
We all feel powerful at first! All life does!
Humans don’t get to stay that way!
Only those of us allowed to express our real identities get to keep this universal power.
Most of us get forced to express what others wish.
Our identities fight to exhaustion, become forced to give up, and then remain in the background, causing a lifetime of anxiety!
Consequently, we lose direct connection with this inner strength!
That’s all that’s wrong with this world!
When people get to remain healthy and self-driven as all life is, life is good, people are kind, and the world is friendly.
When people are forced to give up their self-driven inner world and become obedient instead, human compassion is no longer possible.
Perhaps this is a good lesson for us. Remove another’s right to live from their own identity, and there is a price to pay!
It sounds fair, does it not?
We live in a crippled civilization only because we can’t believe our young have what it takes to find their own way!
We watch all other life allow and encourage their young to flourish under their own power!
We have apparently decided we know better!
We aren’t supporting the strength and energy of our offspring.
We overwhelm and direct our young, forcing them into disconnection from their inner world!
In doing that, they lose their inner strength, what we call self-esteem, along with awareness of their own needs and feelings!
In this disconnected condition, life has no joy, purpose, or compassion!
We’ve written countless laws to try to manage the chaos we ourselves have caused by forcing our young to disconnect from their own feelings!
That’s all that’s wrong!
We only really need one law!
Don’t damage the children!
As life becomes increasingly frustrated and dangerous because of what we do to our young, how do we manage the defiance?
We double down on our insistence that they obey us, and not live their inner own identities!
Could this work?
Obviously, if any of this is accurate, and it certainly is, this is guaranteed to make things worse!
Unsurprisingly, right on time, everything does indeed get worse!
Someone got shot recently because they pulled into the wrong driveway.
People are getting more and more aggressive with their cars. Try walking down the side of a highway these days!
People are more hostile than ever!
Life is not fun anymore.
What are people thinking?
As more people believe we can improve behavior through punishment, hostility everywhere increases!
People, or all life for that matter, are just not as we assume!
Every life has its own inner world driving its behavior.
As soon as we cooperate with that, conflict ends! Hostility ends! Hate ends! Defiance ends!
It’s us that have invented all of these destructive qualities, by banning their inner lives from our young!
Correcting this chaos, caused by the acting-out that we ourselves have inspired, is not difficult.
We simply grant our young the right to their own inner life! How could that not be reasonable and fair?
The immediate and dramatic change that happens proves that people need their inner worlds!
All we have to do is allow our children to live from their own drive and energy!
That alone rewrites all the dynamics of life and civilization.
Suddenly, people no longer have evil in them!
Life turns into peace, trust, and love!
I question why we would ever assume life can’t take care of itself! That just seems so arrogant!
We see life all around us! How do we think it got here?
Thanks for listening!
Good luck on your own journey!
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Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.