🌟We make our own love and happiness impossible!🌟

We’re doing life wrong!

We cause our own problems! Because we don’t understand.

All our kindness and wisdom come from deep inside us!

We don’t allow that though. We have banned that compassion and wisdom!

All life is naturally powered from within!

Our identities are supposed to use our instincts, needs, and feelings for guidance.

Our power, drive, and wisdom come from inside each one of us!

All life has been designed to find it’s own way!

Our children are born with more compassion and wisdom already inside them than we could ever teach!

They don’t need teaching, or our guidance!

What they need, is for us to let them live from the power of their own inner resources!

Every time we back off and allow our young to find their own way in life, we get spectacular results!

We get loving children, anxious to please, and powerful, well beyond our normal experience.

Trees don’t need guidance. Neither do creatures.

Neither do humans!

Just like any seed, everything that any of us will ever need is already inside us!

With support, we get perfection! We get love. We get community and companionship.

When we guide people instead though, our world gets conflict, greed, hate, and war!

This happens every time! We see the same results repeatedly!

Why aren’t we learning?

We recognize the need for rights and freedom!

But, we don’t know how to do it!

It has to start at infancy!

We need to be encouraging our infants to sponsor their own lives!

It’s called nurture!

Life is companionship, not an invitation to overpower other lives.

We have created all the hostility we now live with! We aren’t allowing the wisdom or the goodness to flow from within our young!

By overpowering their inner qualities as they begin their lives, we have banned the loving inner lives of people.

Then we all suffer! We live with anxiety. We all hurt!

Every narcissistic, or violent, or dangerous person is one who was overpowered in their early years and forced to behave as requested!

Every special, strong, and compassionate person was allowed to live from their own inner resources!

The results are absolutely consistent.

The evidence is all around us.

Allow our young to be self-driven, and we all grow up with peace and compassion!

Block that inner strength in their early years, and our young don’t recover as adults. They remain troubled for life!

These are the roots of freedom and love!

This insight brings up another truth for those willing to consider the idea.

Every time we force cooperation, we cripple our own happiness, and our possibility of ever enjoying real and deep love!

We may not want this to be true, however, there it is!

Only those of us willing to see life as it really works are ever going to enjoy real comfort and support!

Our lives are meant to be a sort of community consciousness, where we all feel safe and valued!

That’s what life is supposed to be like for humans!

On some level, we can feel that!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “🌟We make our own love and happiness impossible!🌟”

  1. Great job😁

    1. Thank you. It’s good to see it get some attention.

I welcome considering other thoughts.