๐Ÿ’•Where did all the love go?๐Ÿ’•

What is life anyway? How does it know what to do?

It rearranges matter, creating its own shape, which it will sustain until death.

Then it takes action!

That drive comes from some mysterious force, arising from within!

We can establish a few things about it though.

We know about instincts. We are aware of feelings. We recognize an innate drive for any life to satisfy its own needs.

From trees, to chipmunks, to humans, life knows exactly what to do. It will work to discover anything that helps it.

Sometimes we see cooperation. That willingness also comes from within, and is intentional.

Each life is fully equipped by nature to find its own way.

What happens when the energy coming from within isn’t allowed to power its own actions?

What happens then?

The driving power collapses in a jerky series of hurt feelings.

Every instinctive superpower slows or stops. Needs stop driving actions. Feelings don’t get expressed, or even experienced.

Everything coming from within stops. Intuitive skills atrophy.

This experiment is running right now!

It takes a lot of therapy to fix it, if that can even be done!

People are loving creatures, by nature.

But, our love only comes from inside, and only if it’s allowed to!

Where has human love gone?

We don’t allow it to come from inside. Not anymore!

We don’t invite anything to come from inside.

We teach.

We no longer invite our children to join us in a shared journey into the unknown!

We force compliance!

This, shuts down their power!

Unknowingly, we have banished all the goodness in people! All the wisdom too!

Instincts carry the wisdom of the human race. Feelings and needs supply the compassion and kindness.

Without these qualities we become cold and confrontational. We live without instinctive wisdom.

We can’t sort out truth, and can be led to believe anything.

We become hostile instead of living our normal compassion.

It’s happening throughout humanity.

It’s the reason for all this conflict in place of natural acceptance and the sharing of kindness and joy.

We have forgotten the need of other life to power its own way.

We have become unaware of the need for our children to live from their own power and resources.

That need is a natural right.

That’s where.

It only exists inside of people, and we no longer allow it to express itself.

This downward spiral of rebellion, distrust, anger, hate and violence that our world is in, is simply the consequence!

Any one of us can do this any time we wish!

The “party line”, the “world viewpoint”, that we accept as truth right now is flawed.

Our worldwide viewpoint lacks understanding of inner life. It lacks understanding of natural rights.

It’s the opposite of wisdom.

It’s coming from people who can’t feel their own instincts, needs, or feelings.

We need to ignore the experts and rely on our own instincts.

That’s our best sourse of wisdom right now.

The result is responsibility and compassion in our children, every time. Every single time!

That’s because life is equipped and designed to find its own way.

It cannot do that if we overpower it!

Overpower it, and the consequence is defiance.

Defiance isn’t normal at all. It’s the consequence of not respecting someone else’s needs.

We all have a need to live from our own power through our own instincts, feelings, and needs.

Give us that, and we will all be kind and loving.

Is that too much to ask for? Does that sound unreasonable?

Where has all the love gone?

That’s where it went. We are shutting the door on it!

The moment we accept the importance of our children’s need to power their own way, all the trouble goes away.

This doesn’t need proof because it always works. That alone, is proof enough.

All the trouble goes away! It’s magic.

Parenting becomes effortless.

Children are naturally eager to help and share, and they immediately do.

Of course, that’s not going to happen when they’re full of defiance and resentment!

Ignoring their needs makes them defiant. What would we expect?

Of course it does, no matter how much they love us!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

One response to “๐Ÿ’•Where did all the love go?๐Ÿ’•”

  1. Excellent post๐Ÿค—

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