Good people or bad, what sets up the difference?

Human life is naturally loving and responsible.

But, some people cause endless conflict.

Why? Who are these people?

These are always people who don’t trust anybody else.

They live alone in their own heads, and that’s a frightening life!

The people who make our world hostile and dangerous are always people who don’t trust other people!

This trust relationship though, is only an indicator.

We need to know why.

Why wouldn’t some people trust others?

Life comes from inside. That’s where the energy and power come from.

Life even creates its own shape, and keeps it that way for its duration.

It lives through its power from the wisdom of instincts, feelings, and needs.

What happens though if life can’t feel its own instincts, feelings, or needs?

It feels alone!

It lives without the security of knowing anything about itself or others.

When this happens, trust has become impossible!

What could cause a life to lose its instincts, feelings, and needs?

That’s easy.

That happens when we tell it what to do instead of supporting it in its own efforts!

It can’t do both. If it rolls over and obeys, it loses its instincts, needs, and feelings.

What is our recommended system of child care in these times?

We tell them what to think, and what to do!

We no longer allow them any opportunity to live from their own resources!

This isn’t a good thing. Our instincts have the infinite wisdom of mankind’s entire existence. Our advice though is only good enough to bring the world to where it is now.

Our instincts cause love and responsibility. Our advice, on the other hand, takes us to hate and war. We need to support instincts, needs, and feelings if we are to get back to a kind and gentle world.

What will the consequences of making our young obey be?

A growing number of people who don’t know who they are, or what their purpose is!

People without their own power!

An increasing number of people who will now cause more and more conflict!

This brings us to our present-day world!

Many of our population don’t trust others.

They are isolated from the social connections that make life feel safe and loving.

Trust is directly proportional to health as well!

No, we haven’t!

While we have done these things, it’s not our fault!

Alone, in the wilderness, none of us would bring up our young as we have been compelled to do by the pressure of today’s rules.

We would bring them up according to our own instincts. We would naturally allow them the freedom to live from their own resources.

We would be encouraging them to master their own lives. It’s called nurture.

We would also have none of the conflicts our world lives with now.

The trouble throughout our world is increasing in exact proportion with how much we overpower other people’s power, instincts, needs, and feelings!

It’s not us who have been dumb!

It’s the fault of those pushing their own agenda!

It’s happening because of people without connection to their own instincts, needs or feelings telling us what to do!

We have given in to the pressure of the “system”.

We have damaged the power and the self-esteem of our own young because it’s unthinkable to stand alone and challenge the entire system!

The original question was “What makes people good or bad”?

The answer?

Allowing them to keep their power lets them remain loving and good. That’s our instinctive nature.

Forcing them to abandon their instincts, needs, and feelings to obey us though makes them untrusting and anxious.

The wisdom, power, and security of their inner lives become missing. They will invariably try to be important at any cost.

They will destroy the environment to be important!

How can we tell if another person is trusting or not?

Pay attention to the music they like.

Look for trust. If there’s anger or hate in it, watch out!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “Good people or bad, what sets up the difference?”

  1. Really very interesting. Seeing this in my own life lately🤗

    1. Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts.

I welcome considering other thoughts.