Losing love is the worst hurt that people face!

The way we see life is wrong!

Our viewpoint does not match how life really works!

We’ve been taught to see life from the top down.

But, real life always happens from the bottom up!

Life is powered from within!

Our existence only feels real to us when we live from our power and instincts.

We are all kind and loving by nature!

Dealing with people the way we do, doesn’t work!

Our attempts to interfere and correct people’s behavior cause ripples of trauma all along the path of their expression.

Consequently, there is conflict where there should be none.

We have created greed, selfishness, hostility, defiance, hate, low self-esteem, and war by our actions!

Living from within is all about love!

Our identities use our instincts, feelings, and needs to focus our direction.

This mostly concerns our need for love and the companionship of others. Therefore our behavior is not only responsible but compassionate and kind.

These qualities are missing from our world these days.

Why are they missing?

Because we’ve been taught to ignore our wisdom and live from other people’s rules.

We can no longer feel our instincts, feelings, or needs!

But, everything good in life comes from deep within us!

Somebody, lacking wisdom, has taught us to live by rules. We have believed it!

This troubled world, with all its hate and violence, is the consequence!

People, still living from their own inner qualities, are the only kind, strong, and responsible people left.

Life, from within, is different. There is no fear. Not chronic fear. There is acceptance. There is no doubt about anything. Feeling naturally powerful just happens to us.

There is no jealousy. No guilt. These are man-made concepts, invented to control others and protect our fears when we lack our power from within!

Goals, of course, are very much different when we live from within!

There is instant companionship with anybody living on the same natural level. Just like kids in a playground forming instant friendships, assuming that still happens in these times.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many of us still capable of living from our power and energy within.

Therefore, the vast majority of us have little to no ability to enjoy emotional intimacy.

We hide our feelings and concerns. We live in isolation.

We feel proud of demanding what we think we deserve, quickly destroying any love that manages to spring up.

We are loving only when living from our hearts. Otherwise, we are distant, selfish, demanding, and lonely.

They spill their secrets. They try to “live out loud”.

They try to explain their feelings. They try to share their hurts and fears.

Can this be summed up? Of course! They’re trying to relearn how to live as their real selves.

Their real selves? That’s their instincts, feelings, and needs.

Those in therapy are trying to once again live from the power and energy coming from inside, as all life is supposed to!

If they can live from that original power, there is no anxiety. No confusion. No distractions.

Those of us who live from the inside, are the only people who can also allow others to do the same!

We recognize that it’s everybody’s most honorable and responsible condition, as well as their happiest.

If we could all do this, our world would be a loving one.

This vision of life can be verified by doing it, or by looking around at family relationships everywhere.

Why then, can’t we take a shortcut and allow our young to live from their own inner strength and wisdom. That, all by itself, starts the world moving back to becoming a kinder place.

That would make it infinitely easier for the rest of us to regain our own instincts, needs, and feelings!

The consequences? Love. We get love like we have forgotten is even possible. Cooperation! Sharing! Helping! These things all happen!

As we let go of our firm control, everybody becomes more honest. More likeable. Kinder, with more compassionate goals, and with more energy.

Our young won’t do as we wish! No, they won’t They will do far, far better on their own! Their instincts provide the wisdom we lack!

The biggest difference is everything becomes real. Only then will we really see and understand.

Only what comes from within us feels real!

It’s just not the same when we live from external values, as we do now.

While hiding from our own feelings, we can’t feel how much we need others.

However, we find that out real quick when we do manage to connect with our feelings, needs, and instincts.

We all long for love and acceptance with every cell of our bodies!

I expect that most of us, while reading this story might be feeling a little pull on our heartstrings.

Well, that’s the proof that we can still go back!

It spreads like a cancer. Infected people cause others around them to succumb.

Once distanced from our inner power, we lose the belief that others can manage their own existence.

The very young are most at risk. Their objections to the loss of their power can be ignored and passed off as temper tantrums.

Once they lose their inner strength and wisdom, they willingly comply with the program of life without self-drive. They, in turn, don’t allow their own young to live from their power either.

The disease of “life without self-power” spreads this way.

Now, our world has pockets of population, each at different levels of having access to their instincts and feelings.

Those populations with the least access to their inner power are the most repressive, of course!

Democracies are based on beliefs in freedom. The young though are no longer free to live from the wisdom and power of their own inner lives.

As beliefs converge on the overcontrol of the young, fewer and fewer of the population still enjoy access to their inner wisdom and strength.

Consequently, the conflict throughout these societies has become just as serious as it is within authoritarian societies.

We, the world’s population, are getting better at recognizing human rights!

When we apply that universally, especially to our very young, it can and will push back this smothering cloud of despair that we all live in now.

Every life has a natural right to be itself!

To live from the power and energy that it was born with!

How could anybody seriously argue with that?

Thanks for listening!

Good luck on your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “Losing love is the worst hurt that people face!”

  1. Well put. Easy read

I welcome considering other thoughts.