Why are people so angry now?

We have done this to ourselves!

Every life gets its own power. It’s to live from. We need it!

We are still supposed to be feeling powerful!

That’s who we are!

We are supposed to live from the power and energy within us, using our instincts, feelings, and needs to focus our efforts.

But, we’re not allowed to do that! Not these days! That’s a staggering loss for us!

We know something is wrong, but can’t tell what, because we’re not whole anymore.

With each new generation, we increasingly force our young to live through our instructions, not their own power!

It has turned our population angry and mean!

There is no way to overcontrol our young, and still enjoy world peace!

No life is going to surrender their inner-world willingly. There will always be trouble.

People may not be able to recognize exactly what happened to them, but they know how angry they are.

They will stop cooperating, and live in defiance. And, so they have!

Fooling our young into believing we do this for their own good might appear to work, but the fighting and the anger will always happen.

Their lives are theirs, and we need to let them keep the natural power that comes with each life.

We can back off and allow our young to mastermind their own lives! That makes everybody loving and supportive again.

Or, we can go on as we are, watching everything we have built, and believe in, come apart.

It is being callously destroyed. There is no remorse. Love is becoming more and more rare as well. Soon, there will be only anger. The writing is on the wall.

We have already come most of the way into a totally angry and untrusting world!

This is the road we are on! Unfortunately, many of us deserve these results.

We have believed our leaders when they told us to take over our children’s lives.

Our instincts knew better. Our instincts have always been telling us to support and encourage our children’t own efforts!

We should be listening to these, our instincts, needs, and feelings.

Everything good about people comes from deep within!

When we take over our children’s lives, we force everything good within them underground, and there are going to be consequences!

We are now living with the consequences of our own actions! Most of our worldwide population is hopping mad!

Also, everything good and wonderful in life is rapidly disapearing!

All the good in people lies within, in their instincts, needs, and feelings. We need our children to be living from these again!

We don”t want our children to be living from their resentment and defiance anymore!

Allow our young to live from the power and wisdom of their own instincts, and we get loving cooperative people!

Take over, order them around, and we get angry people, looking for an outlet.

Any crazy person who comes along pretending to sympathize, and promising them an outlet, can become instantly popular and can then start wars!

That’s because angry people are primed for rebellion.

We need to put a stop to all that anger.

That’s easy!

Allow each new person the right to their own life!

To nurture is to support and encourage! Taking over their lives is not nurture!

Our children’s lives are not ours! Those lives belong to them. If we want better lives for ourselves, there are ways to do that. We can’t be borrowing theirs.

Taking over another’s life is a serious breach of nature. A complete breakdown in trust and cooperation should be expected. And so, that’s exactly what we get!

These are harsh truths! But, on the other hand, this understanding also presents a magical opportunity!

We can easily have the world we want!

We can have peace! We can have trust!

We simply have to do honorable things first!

We need to support our young in their own efforts. We mustn’t take over! Ever! It’s not our right!

They have the right to their own life!

Grant all of them that right, and we have removed world wide anger!

To confirm, try this on any scale! It works like magic!

We never had the right to take over and dominate our children! Whatever made us think that was ok?

There is a huge advantage that we get for free when we allow our young to power their own way!

First, they are complete with their instincts, needs, and feelings intact.

These qualities are the very best in people! They are loving and cooperative.

It may astonish most of us, but every time we support an infant instead of controlling their every action, we get these qualities!

Seriously, they can’t do enough for us!

Try it and see!

Thanks for listening,

Good luck with your own journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

I welcome considering other thoughts.