The same message keeps popping up, from various places, and artists, throughout the world.
“Leave those kids alone!”
Peoples real needs are becoming clearer! We are making progress in understanding people’s inner life.
An epiphany has emerged.
Our world becomes created, through the way we treat our infants!
Quite a comment, but think about it.
They grow up!
If they grow up healthy, we get a lovely world. If traumatized, we get a traumatized world!
How’s our world?
Our input can, and if negative, does, re-set the way infants plug into the environment.
When we tell them how to “be”, we absolutely never get what we intended.
There is a very good reason. Their identity is already fixed. All we are really telling them is that who they are, is defective!
We get many things, most of them based on defiance.
How are we doing with this? Are you happy with our world?
When we follow nature’s path, and allow them to blossom through their own efforts, there is never defiance.
It’s the natural way. It allows people to be the way they really are. That’s a whole lot different than what we see right now. Untraumatized, people are loving, trusting, and playful.
What’s the difference?
Respect for what is already, a fixed identity!
The full identity of every life, is already set in stone!
It cannot be changed!!
It can only be allowed to live, or it can be traumatized.
Support it, and people are lovely.
Any attempt to change that, and we get defiance, then chaos.
Are we not tired of chaos yet?
This inner confusion anger, and hate throughout the world, is coming from somewhere. It’s obviously happening early in life, as well.
Do we like anger, isolation, and war so much that we are going to continue making the same tired mistake?
Override the identity of infants and children, and our world of love and trust turns into a world of conflict, hate, and war!
And so, here we are!
Said straight out, it just seems like, “of course”. What else could we possibly expect, if we are going to insist on doing things like that!
In our need for comfort, we seem to do it anyway.
The cost is our own happiness, and wasted lives, all of us missing out completely, on what should have been!
Loneliness, isolation, everybody’s self-esteem, and then conflict, all without limits. War is simply one more extreme consequence. Murdering hundreds of people has become almost normal! We all live in unnecessary fear!
Every life already has an identity.
In all of nature that is never challenged.
People though, have forgotten how to allow our young their own identity!
We’ve even forgotten that we should be doing that!
This one small action changes the world.
It did change the world. It’s now hostile, and dangerous!
Contrary to what many might assume, this is not natural and normal at all! This is man made! It all comes from one wrong assumption! We simply cannot make people into who we want.
Who they are is already fixed!
We push at that already complete balance of forces, and yes, we do change it.
Somewhere, somehow, it has got to get through to us, that what we really just did, was to break it!
The consequences are way out of proportion to the crime. It’s a complete collapse of community. It’s hatred, pain, isolation, and a whole lot of violence.
We all suffer.
Our comfort is not worth all this pain we cause, to everybody!
The love and acceptance we all crave sits waiting behind that wall of rejection that we have presented. We create that wall without even realizing we do it!
People absolutely need their identity!
Without it, we are without instincts, morals and even awareness of our own needs!
The present acceptable range of our parenting methods, have caused conflict throughout all level of society, and just now, caused another war!
If our civilization has any chance at all of surviving, the entire acceptable range of parenting has to reposition itself, in favor of respect for what’s already perfect!
That’s right. That’s what I am suggesting. Blocking and defeating the identity of countless children, has brought us all to the brink of extinction!
People fall right in love with infants. Why?
It’s that perfect connection they have with their own identity. They are real! That’s what they express. Everything they say or do is absolutely pure and original. Damaging, or driving that underground, should be a declared a crime!
In truth, it’s the root cause of every crime!
When considered, it makes perfect sense! Destroy identity and we have destroyed civilization. It’s a fair and perfect balance!
It is way past time to end our destruction!
Really, it’s true!
Our insistence on obedience crushes the identity of our young.
In their loneliness, isolation, and pain, they then crush everybody else.
We all get left without instincts or self-esteem.
Outlandish suggestion? Hey, as well as being obviously true, it’s really easy to prove.
Throughout human existence, we get conflict when we demand obedience. The results are a troubled stand-off. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. It “snowballs”. It keeps getting worse, all by itself.
We get trust through allowing independence. It’s never been any different.
Try an experiment with your own young. Allow them to live through their own efforts. Back off on demands for obedience.
Watch the magic. There are no limits. Just wait till you find out what even a one year old can do, if allowed and encouraged to do it from within themselves!
Do we want cooperation, or obedience?
Astonishing cooperation happens when we allow our children to keep, and live their own identity.
For starters, conflict doesn’t happen.
How could it? The only thing people ever fight about, is limitations on each others identity.
Consider ever fight you ever had. Then consider the importance of allowing independence and identity. Keep in mind that some issues may go way, way back. See what I mean?
You don’t want an obedient child anyway. Their courage has been compromised. Their fight has been crushed. You will at some point, be ashamed of them.
The results may be karma for you, but they didn’t deserve to suffer the experiment.
Our lives can be absolutely everything we ever wanted! There are no limits to what we can have. We can enjoy a magnificent, and astonishing civilization.
All we have to do is stop preventing it!
People can all feel special, just like before, and just like we are supposed to feel!
Untroubled, we can also feel our real needs.
Its all about being allowed to be proud of our own identity, rather than ashamed of it!
Here’s a surprise! With enough therapy, we discover what we want and need most, is simply to feel loved!
Behind our trauma, this is what we all really want!
Aware of this, might our behavior change?
Do you think!!?
We can create a wonderland of human delight. It’s all about respect. We already knew that.
The new realization though, is that respect for independence, identity, and life, has to start at the very beginning. This is true for all life, of course. The younger life is, the more impact acceptance and respect have on that life, and consequently, on our civilization.
Why then, oh why, do we insist on working with all our might, to drive our social environment right down to rock bottom.
We beat up the identity of our young repeatedly, at the start of each new life.
Then we pay for it with never-ending conflict! We all live in isolation. And for what? So we can get our own way? So we don’t have to change what we believe?
Doing what we do, we have managed to create a civilization infinitely worse than what nature naturally provides!
Answers are becoming clear and obvious! Why is change so hard!
How can mankind be so clever, and at the same time completely miss this most basic and important issue, affecting the happiness, health, comfort, and safety, of every person on the planet!!!
This post is part of the blog, Thank you for your interest.
The best of luck on your own journey!
I welcome considering other thoughts.