Everything good comes from within, but now we don’t let it!

We all begin life living from our inner resources and values!

These cause us to feel powerful. They make us compassionate and honorable!

We are supposed to get support and encouragement in developing from the power of these inner resources.

We become directed! Our inate resources get no support.

We even become ashamed of our own feelings!

How powerful do we feel?

This depends entirely on how much of our own inner life we are ashamed of!

The more of our feelings and inner worlds that we can freely share, the more natural self-esteem we will still have!

It’s hiding our feelings, that eventually causes us to be ashamed of them, and consequently reduces our self-esteem!

For high self-esteem, open up! Reveal your real wishes and fears! The result? Joy and fun!

If we want high self-esteem, we need to share our inner lives!

We need to express more of our feelings, needs, wishes, and values.

With every secret we make public, we not only get more powerful, but we discover everybody else has similar feelings.

We learn that we were wrong to ever be ashamed of any part of our secret life!

These are our finest, most honest and joyful qualities!

We have been ashamed of being awesome!

This is how it’s done! This is therapy!

It’s our culture. We don’t support our young in their own efforts!

As children we are convinced we are wrong so much we become ashamed of everything that we were when we started out.

We then hide everything real about us!

Unfortunately though, that’s the best part of us.

Without the humanity, the honesty, the feelings, the instincts, and our needs, we have lost our humanity.

We lose our soul mates. They become our competition!

Mankind needs a wake-up call!

We need to nurture our young as our instincts are telling us to do!

We need to support them in their efforts, never directing them.

That alone will return our world to kindness and compassion!

Everything good comes from within.

Sadly, we have made each other ashamed of that!

Our inner resources are everything good, loving, honorable, and wise, in humanity!

With these qualities missing, our civilization has become angry and hostile!

Normally, life gets encouraged to manage itself.

Power, instincts, and behavior all come from within.

Idemntity and purpose come from within! Innate wisdom, also called instinct, comes from within.

If we are to get anything good to come from people, we need to allow it to come from deep within them!

Order them around, and anything we get from them is going to be wrapped up in conflict!

People are highly social! Awareness of our need for others makes us kind and loving! Our instincts therefore reinforce our care for others.


We can’t feel our own needs. We pursue goals that make us miserable.

We don’t know our own instinctive responsibilities.

We treat others callously. We forget babies in hot cars. Our compassion and awareness of the needs of others lies behind our anger.

We seek ways to reduce our anxiety. Drugs, belief systems, or competing for importance are common ways.

We have no humanity. We share nothing. We live alone inside our own heads.

Many seek therapy. What do we do there?

We work to regain connection with what lies within us.

That was the connection that made us nice!

Of course, that connection should never have been lost!

Everything wise and good comes from inside!

We should all still be living from the energy coming from inside!

This is why our world is now critical and cold for us. We don’t live in acceptance.

We have banned everything coming from within! We start with infants.

We overide their inner strength. We insert our beliefs in place of their power, instincts, and internal awareness!

Life is designed to find its own path! It needs support!

All we need to do is support others and we will , once again, get the good that lies within people!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your journey.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “Everything good comes from within, but now we don’t let it!”

  1. Can’t argue at all with this brilliant post!

    1. Thanks for your generous comment. I should have been saying these things this way a long time ago. You must be feeling a little better. Glad to hear it.

I welcome considering other thoughts.