Everything we want lies within us, but is unavailable!

We should feel fully alive, and powerful!

No chronic fear. No wish to hide anything. No fear of people.

Ready for anything, and interested in everything. Absolute trust. Not afraid to fight at any time. Ready for adventure.

💖Love without limits.💖

If we could feel that way again, even for just a second, we would never let go of it, not if we could help it!

That’s how humans are supposed to feel!

It’s how we’re made. This all still lies within us.

One more thing lies within us as well.

We need each other, desperately!

We crave support and approval so much, we can’t function without it.

Support and encouragement are supposed to be there for us always, but most critically in our first years.

That’s normal throughout nature. We call it nurture.

But, it wasn’t there for any of us.

That’s why we can’t feel our power now!

People have stopped doing nurture.

We don’t support our young! We instruct them!

Consequently, we all live in misery!

We need others desperately, but get told to man up!

We dare not share any of our real fears and issues with anybody.

We all live alone.

It’s not until we run into someone who believes in us, that we can let ourselves come alive again!

Then, suddenly, we can do anything.

The very best that we can ever be can then emerge from deep inside us.

That’s where all the good stuff comes from.

Our deepest need is the love of others. Just imagine for a moment how good that feels.

Our real human goal is not to be the boss over other people.

Our real need is to live with others who want us to be powerful!

That’s when we have everything we ever really wanted.

That’s how we get to feel the way we should!

Without support and approval, we remain bottled up, unable to connect with our own power or inner wisdom.

But with encouragement, we can open up and our spirit can fly!

We can reconnect with everything inside that has been bottled up all these years.

We need them desperately.

If we understand life, we don’t want it any other way either.

The possibilities for joy and companionship have no limits!

It just can’t get any better. The comfort is complete.

Unfortunately, finding others who will accept and value us as we really are, in our most powerful condition, has become almost impossible!

Living from our own inner strength makes us the finest person we can ever be!

Everything good comes from inside.

Anybody who doesn’t want us to be like that has been listening to the wrong people.

But, that’s where our world is now. Most of us are in love with giving direction to each other.

Which, puts everybody in their worst condition!

We all need to find those who want us as we really are!

We need to develop boundries for those who don’t want us that way!

I know that’s a hard thing to find and accomplish.

It’s even harder than most would expect.

Most of us will probably have to change before quality people are going to accept us.

We will be expected to accept and support their strength and independence. We have to trust them.

We need to never control them!

We will get the best of them when we encourage their strength!

The reward is life itself! Everything would be the amazing way it should be!

Of course, in a relationship such as this, we would do anything for each other!

But, that’s who people really are!

With amazing and satisfying relationships, this is natural and normal!

The more we behave in these ways, the better all of our relationships become!

So much is possible!

Meanwhile, most of us settle for the worst in everybody!

Thanks for listening.

Good luck on your own journey,

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com

Take care,

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “Everything we want lies within us, but is unavailable!”

  1. Very good read

I welcome considering other thoughts.