Children need their own inner power, just like all other life.
With full self-esteem they will be successful, limited only by what is possible for them.
They will be successful in tune with their own needs and wishes, not successful by our standards!
This is the best thing that could possibly happen for them!
Surprisingly, it’s also the the best thing that could ever happen for us, as well!
Children who feel strong grow into adults who feel strong.
People who feel strong are our friends. They feel our pain, they help if they can, and they’re fun! Children help too, but not if they have to give up their identity to do it.
It’s those who feel helpless that are causing all the conflict! They push their own feelings away, because these hurt, and that makes them capable of cruelty.
Our goal really needs to be keeping everybody feeling strong!
Inner strength brings us the community we all dream of. Nobody is ever alone!
Mankind has accepted the idea of obedience. The comfort of our culture has deteriorated in exact step with this unnatural discomfort we cause to our children!
Lacking the natural support for their own efforts, they grow into helpless and troubled adults. Then, if we’re lucky, they seek out therapy!
Obedience is the enemy! It destroys everything good. It removes the wish to please, and to co-operate. Being the opposite of self-esteem it damages trust and respect.
In all of nature, new life gets full support in learning and managing through their own power. We need to return to that successful and natural way of living!
People are the most loving race on the planet! At the moment, you would never know it!
We all hurt! We are acting horribly!
Take away the natural power of any life, and that’s what is always going to happen!
We really need to bring back respect for natural power!
The absence of this, all by itself has taken us from loving community into war and hate.
This alone, can also bring us right back!
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your own journey,
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com
Take care,
I welcome considering other thoughts.