🗽Freedom is the natural and normal condition of life.🗽

People struggle with this!

Some of us believe human life needs to be controlled.

Others are happiest being free and they believe in the freedom of others.

What sets up this ambivalence?


Our life as infants sets up our beliefs regarding freedom!

People have an inner life!

This is a very active world!

Our identity is set in stone. That happened at conception.

It’s responsible for our survival and our interests!

It’s job is to get us through life! Also to live our dreams!

Others may insist on teaching us.

This is the tipping point in human life!

Others are not supposed to be part of our inner life!

If they overwhelm our identity, our lives go all wrong!

Our world struggles with multiple problems.

People can be greedy, selfish, hostile, and even brutal.

None of this happens until somebody overwhelms the identity of another!

When people are encouraged to run their own lives through their inner resources, the result is genuine people and a loving community.

Overwhelm their identity though, make them behave to our chosen standards, and the result is inner hurt, disconnection, and a human who doesn’t know who they are!

That’s our world! This is what we are doing!

This is why we have people who fight with each other.

Astonishingly, that’s all that’s wrong!

Our world is a lonely place. Every person lives in their own trauma.

This alone causes it all!

This truth is easy to prove!

Any of us can allow our young to drive and manage their own lives! Enjoy the difference!

They will be real. They will keep the strength they were born with.

They will be so powerful, they will have no need or wish to fight.

They will be self-sufficient, astonishingly competent, loving, and fun!

They are not going to set out to be rich or important. They will pursue only things they really need.

What they need is trust and a community where everyone is responsible!

They can feel their needs!

That’s because they are healthy and undamaged!

The responsibility of survival rests solely on our identity!

It deserves the right to make the decisions and to be respected!

Identities are strong and capable at their job.

They have a weakness though.

It’s understandable that they do. Identities don’t normally get threatened and overpowered in nature!

When identities do get overpowered, they will fight to exhaustion to do their job.

That’s the nature of life!

Once they collapse, there is no recovery! There will be no spontaneous healing! There will be hurt!

It the case of people, this is the collapse of self-esteem.

Humanity does not yet have the skill to repair this damage to people.

We can chip away at it though, recover somewhat, and get back a lot, maybe even most, of that original power.

This is an important loss. We may look almost the same, and sound almost the same.

But, the fire has gone out!

When we suffer this internal damage we are aware of the change!

The thrill is gone. It feels like there is no point.

Yes, we move on. It’s not fun and challenging anymore though, and usually never will be again!

We crave relief and turn to comforting beliefs or drugs of one sort or another.

We should all be adamant that overwhelming their identity never happens to our young!

Once it does, their belief in themselves is crushed!

They go from strong and confident to helpless and needy! They usually stay somewhat that way for life!

If we are lucky enough to make it through infancy undamaged, we get to be able to still feel our identity and feelings.

We remain non-destructive and loving, not only loving freedom but passionately craving it!


Our awareness finds ways to satisfy our needs!

To do that, it coordinates our abilities with our identities and instincts, along with whatever we have managed to learn.

Our inner world is a happy and very active place!

Just look at the face of an infant!


What does this have to do with freedom?

If anything interferes with our normal flow of internal communication, our identities suffer!

If our identities become overwhelmed, that changes our assumptions about life, and our opinions!

Unfortunately, in this world, we interfere with the inner communication of our infants without hesitation!

We compete with our children’s own identity over control of their life.

Unintentionally, and unknowingly, we damage the power of their identity.

It has become part of our child care!

Unfortunately, it has destroyed what has been, and could still be, a loving community!

Life comes from within!

Our identities and needs normally cause our awareness to go to work!

Our inner world tries to take care of us, but as infants in the present world, we aren’t allowed to learn and develop through our own natural path.

We aren’t permitted much independence at all, if any!

Our identities fight and surrender! This all happens in infancy!

Humans have no defense against this intrusion into our normal internal functioning.

Perhaps this is true for all life!

It’s only us humans that take over the lives of our children. All other live supports self-drive and independence!


As our infant identities get dethroned and punished for disobedience, damage happens!

As this happens to us in our infancy, we are aware. We just don’t know what’s wrong!

The struggle of our identity to do its job causes our feelings to hurt so much, we find ourselves forced to disconnect from those painful feelings!

This is when evil becomes possible.

Once our identity crashes, we are no longer non-destructive!

When we push our feelings out of awareness, we also lose contact with our identities, our instincts, our own needs, and our inner strength.

Our natural moral and social conscience has therefore been banished from our active inner life!

When we can’t feel our needs, we can’t satisfy them!

From this point on, we will make never-ending mistakes. Nothing we try brings genuine satisfaction.

We have no chance at all of making ourselves happy or even comfortable.

Satisfying our own needs is hit and miss, with thousands of ways to fail, and only one to succeed!

Each mistake hurts.

We can’t feel the hurt very much.

It’s more like despair now, as we spiral ourselves into less and less satisfying situations.

Our only options are to carry on, going the wrong way for any satisfaction of our needs, or else to try and repair our cohesiveness!

If we carry on, we are going to hurt ourselves over and over, never satisfying our own needs because we don’t know what they are!

That’s where most of us are now!


If we choose to try and repair our inner damage, we must face the hurt from the original assault on our identity, as well as all the hurt that happened afterward.

Once we disconnect, all our later hurts can no longer self-heal! They get stored! Therefore we have to face them too!


Undamaged people want freedom. It’s the way of all life.

With our inner world working as it should, we trust others to be responsible, simply because we are!

And that works!

Undamaged people are absolutely responsible!

Trust is critical to people. We have it, or we hurt! We are that highly social.

Being accepted and encouraged to express our full identity, with no holding back, is required for our own health!

Of course, as you may have noticed, not many of us get to live that way any more!


Those of us who can no longer feel our feelings know full well that we can’t be trusted.

Our conscience is gone. We can’t feel our instincts. We make poor choices. We feel no inner strength.

Not being able to fully trust ourselves, we assume others to be the same.

Therefore we believe in control!

We know it doesn’t work! We also know we can’t be trusted.

We are unable to recognize and choose authorities and leaders who can be trusted!

Being unable to connect with our feelings instincts or identities, we are easily fooled by other people.

Many of us in this disconnected condition are dangerous.

A way must be found to limit the destruction!

Naturally, we revert to rules! Rules and punishment!

Of course this takes us further into the rabbit hole! Inch by inch, trust and cooperation throughout society steadily declines.

The rules and punishment we invented are adding more hurt to a population already overwhelmed by excessive hurt!

Trust disappears completely!

Untrusting people no longer believe in freedom!

They don’t trust themselves, or consequently, other people!

This is a one way street! A highway into conflict and violence!


There is no way to gently turn this around!

Those without trust can only be returned to their own conscience through reconnecting their inner world!

This is a very slow, one-by-one process.

We can’t keep up with the damage we are causing. We just cause damage faster than we can repair it!

We need to stop causing hurt within our infants!

We have to grant them their natural rights to be themselves! We have to allow them to do their own learning in the normal way.

They will develop it a whole lot faster and a whole lot further with intact inner power.

They need to be granted the right to be, and to live, their own identity!

If that is too much to ask, what does that make us?


It’s healthy life!

It’s the normal way of all life!

We need to grant all others the natural right to live their own identity.

I have a suspicion that Alzheimer’s might be one of the long-term physical results of not allowing another human the right to live their own identity. Time will tell!

If we don’t grant our infants the freedom to live their own identity, all the freedom in the world is doomed.

This is the pivot point for not only freedom, but health, non-destructive life, community life, trust, and love!

Damage the freedom of infants to live their own identity, and civilization suffers!

These are the stakes!

So far, we have chosen poorly!

Every one of us can ignore the mistakes of our culture, and respect the identities of our offspring.

The reward is powerful and conscientious children.

Every one of these children will be a serious adult. These will not be victims!

They will not be defiant or rebellious! There will not be gangs, evil, rape, or even greed.

Those with intact inner communication are not aggressive, but neither are they wallflowers!

They have full power coming from within, and it’s definitely not safe to challenge them lightly!

They understand trust and can see those who can’t be trusted.

They have inner strength and tools! They will have instincts and reflexes.

Most importantly they will know their own needs, making them infinitely kind and gentle people, but only to those who deserve it!

You sure don’t want such a person as an enemy!

Thanks for listening.

This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com You may need this address to return, as links change.

Good luck on your own journey,

Take care!

Norm Cormier

2 responses to “🗽Freedom is the natural and normal condition of life.🗽”

  1. Becca Sinclair Avatar
    Becca Sinclair

    Very detailed information.

    1. Thank you! 🗽

I welcome considering other thoughts.