Each of us has only our personal experience to draw from.
The repercussions from this one experience, determine how powerful each of us will feel in life.
If we could feel like we did at the start, we would be unstoppable. We would still be feeling the full power of the universe. In this undamaged condition, we are at one with nature, and will go about our life in a kind, cooperative, and loving manner. This is who people really are.
The hate, the conflict, the jealousy, and the anger that we see, has never been who people are.
It’s what happens when we no longer admire ourselves.
This is how we should all still be feeling!
Mankind has developed a bad habit of causing damage to the feelings of our young. Of course it’s unintentional.
The spark, the power, the drive, the energy to do absolutely anything, comes from inside us. It does for all life. It’s only mankind that has stopped that from being allowed to happen.
Life is self powered. Every life is it’s own warrior. It cannot be anything else. It’s identity is set at conception. It is already the best of the best. Every quality has been refined for ability, and survival.
If we can allow our infants and young to develop their own unique identities, using their own drive and power, I expect that what we get is going to be a complete surprise to everybody, Most people would expect a selfish, irresponsible, and destructive adult, to be the result.
That is absolutely not what happens. Life works the opposite way.
Nature supports all life, in their own efforts. That’s the natural way. Mankind has stopped doing that. We want obedience. Expecting obedience has side effects that cause enough damage, to obliterate every good feeling about ourselves.
We all come out of the gate with our tail on fire. We blast through learning to walk, and to talk, and there is no limit yet, except for the available knowledge.
We do this all by ourselves, and we will never stop, unless damaged by outside pressure.
That’s what it means to be alive, and healthy.
Becoming forced to be obedient, causes a whole different world.
The drive and power of life, comes from inside. Every infant is putting everything they are on the line, in an all out effort to survive.
What happens to an individual when a roadblock is placed right square in front of that effort?
The roadblock is, of course, our demand for obedience.
As an adult, our request for obedience seems innocent. We only want to help.
In the infants experience though, their identity is being denied expression. Everything that they are, is demanding their own unique path of managing their existence, in their own unique way.
To be obedient, they have to disregard everything that they are!
And that’s the whole story. Denying our own existence hurts so bad, we have to disconnect from our own feelings, just to survive the pain.
Disconnected from our feelings, we lose connection with our identity. We question our feelings, our needs, who we are, and what we want.
Most damaging of all, we lose respect for our own identity. We were told our own impulses were wrong, and we chose to believe it. We had to. Nobody can fight back for long, when they are so helpless. As an adult, we emerge ashamed of who we really are. We are in fear. Our identity was our strength. It’s unreachable now.
Messages from our identity come to us through our feelings. They tell us how to live, for ourselves. We now believe all of this is wrong. The feelings now come with an overlay of shame and fear.
Our feelings have become a danger zone, and we hide it all.
Now people are the only living thing, not living out loud! We hide!
The image we have of our true selves is shame and fear.
Would that affect our lives? Do you think?
Supporting the efforts of infants and children instead of demanding obedience changes everything. We can have trust and love back.
Allowing other life to be themselves is the key.
It’s obviously a natural right as well!!
All of this is easily demonstrated. It really works. It works just like it has just been described. Allowing the young their own freedom, to develop the way their own identity is demanding, fixes the world.
The trouble and conflict is self inflicted. It has never been who people are. It’s the result of damaged feelings. We can turn the trouble around overnight.
It’s all about how we see ourselves.
We can easily turn our world-wide environment back to the normal condition for people. It would be love, trust, open communication, and fun. We must never again disrespect the ability and inherent drive of any child. We need to support them, never taking over their lives. That will do it.
What about us though. We have damaged feelings, insecurity, and we feel so unimportant, we have to do a dance to convince everybody we are. We know life should be better. How do we recover?
The trick is to own it all. Fear, shame, and guilt, we reveal it to the world. The fear isn’t real any more. It was our condition, when we took our feelings underground. Owning every feeling and experience, removes the barrier preventing our connection with what we are feeling. As we reconnect, we gradually reopen the path to our own identity. While difficult, we get our power and insight back.
Becoming fully alive again, is worth any amount of temporary trauma. That’s how I see it.
This blog is clarity-of-innocence.com There many posts, and they all examine this same issue.
Thank for allowing me into your life.
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.