Us too!
When we allow others, especially our very young, to drive their own development, then we get healthy and wise people!
But, when we take over the lives of others, we get lost people.
Because they lose their power!
When that happens they lose everything that comes from inside.
They lose their feelings. The awareness of their needs. The wisdom of their instincts.
Their goals are all mental. Their love and kindness are missing!
That is what is happening to our world!
That’s why people are getting meaner and angrier!
We can!
Surprisingly, it’s far easier than what we do now!
We need to support the power in others. We need to encourage their power and abilities.
Especially the very young!
Does it work?
It works like a miracle!
As an added bonus, we get cooperation and love!
People with their power still intact all row the same way!
People with their power intact still enjoy the wisdom of their instincts. They also know who they are and what they want. What they want is never destructive.
Because what humans really want, above all else, is amazing relationships! Anyone aware of their own real needs pursues far different goals.
Support and encouragement for their own efforts is all that our children ever want from us. We have a word for that. Nurture!
There is only one cause of conflict.
Somebody is trying to make decisions for somebody else!
Don’t believe it? Back off, allow others their own right to their own power, and just look at the problems that remain unfixable!
There won’t be any!
The more that overpowering other people happens, the angrier and more helpless people become.
We all need our own power. The power we all started out with!
Without it, we lack purpose. Lacking instincts, we lack wisdom. Without feelings, we don’t know what we really want.
The more people live from their own inner power, the happier, healthier, and more resourceful they are! Also more loving and cooperative!
When people lose their inner power, look out! These people don’t have a conscience. They lost that when they lost their power.
Like it or not, this is just how life works!
The evidence is all around us! Anybody willing to open their eyes and listen to their own instincts will quickly find that out!
That is a good question! It will require some study.
To not understand the basics of life and health in this area though is a real tragedy.
All the fighting in the entire world has the same single cause.
Somebody lost their power, and is trying to become important again! Such a waste!
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your journey.
This post is part of
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.