We can’t think our way into feeling alive!
Life comes from inside.
We start out fully alive.
Full of joy, love, and instinctive responsibility.
We felt powerful, with connections to our needs, feelings, and instincts.
Support from others is the greatest human need.
We could feel that back then!
Consequently, we behaved well.
But, only when we could feel that need.
We should still be feeling this good and this powerful!
But, we no longer live from the inside!
Parenting is supposed to be nurture.
It is supposed to be support for our inner drive.
That’s how life works! It’s driven from the inside!
Then life is loving and responsible.
That’s how we should be!
We should be supported and encouraged to live from our inner drive!
Sadly though, people don’t provide support anymore.
We instruct. We no longer support other lives.
We pay dearly for that!
When cruelty and hate happen, we cause it!
Isolated from our natural power, that’s how we act!
That’s because it matches how badly we feel!
This is the bottom line!
All our goodness comes from within! Our world needs that goodness!
We need that goodness.
The condition of our world shows the effect these actions have.
We are driving ourselves into a world of violence and hate.
Is that wise?
Every good quality of a human comes from deep within!
Support that, and children remain strong, healthy, and loving.
Overwhelm their inner drive though, and we lose every good quality.
They only get to keep their thinking!
Without inner drive, they become trouble!
Infants and children cannot remain connected and obey at the same time.
To obey, they must defeat their own power.
Life is designed to be driven from within.
Throughout nature, every life is designed to power and find its own way!
Support inner power, and enjoy everything comfortable and loving.
Ignore it though, demand compliance instead, and the result is loss of identity!
Hurt, rebellion, and conflict happen.
That is where we have brought our world.
We have caused it!
All of our inner qualities are designed to make us capable of living joyfully and successfully from our own energy, in loving contact with others.
Not many of us can feel our feelings, strength, or instincts anymore.
This is really no life at all! We feel anxious and helpless.
We are angry.
We blame everything except what really happened.
Lacking connection, we don’t know what happened.
The need for us to seek drugs isn’t natural. The need to be the most important person isn’t either. These are symptoms of hurt.
We have created these needs!
Our lack of support for the self-drive of our young causes serious hurt! Enough to turn our world from a loving comfortable one, into hate and fighting!
We are trapped in our own anger.
We have a perfect right to our anger!
Healing is not going to happen though, while we blame the wrong things.
Our environment is critical.
We need approval to live from our own identity.
People are not designed to survive through outside pressure.
They, as with all life, are designed to live through their own resources.
We crave this with every cell of our bodies.
Mankind has forgotten the need for nurture.
We don’t support life. We demand compliance.
All the annoying and painful rules we suffer from now, are simply extensions of this early situation.
Consequently, we are all disconnected from our identities to various degrees.
We can’t feel our feelings or needs.
Worst of all we can’t feel our enormous inner power!
Not being aware of our own need for the approval of others, we behave in ways that prevent us from ever getting approval.
Our behavior is increasingly rude and abusive towards others.
Being isolated from our own identity, our behavior causes us to destroy what we need most!
Most of us have gotten used to the way we feel now. We have forgotten how good life is supposed to be!
It’s supposed to feel amazing!
We are supposed to feel so alive, we just want to love everybody.
We did feel like that once.
How can we reconnect with our identity?
It can’t be done without the supportive environment we should have had!
We can’t give ourselves permission to reveal our true nature until we feel that it’s welcome.
Few of us though, can provide that environment!
We push and pull at each other, trying to get what we want, and in the process, making emotional safety impossible!
Acceptance is a lost art!
We use pressure, cause anxiety, and increase conflict.
Nobody can reconnect with their original identity under those conditions!
It’s not safe!
We need a healthy environment.
One where our feelings, needs, and instincts are allowed to emerge.
Once that happens to us, we will be naturally supportive and responsible.
That’s who people really are.
There is bad news.
We must change!
We can’t be pushing and pulling at other people, and still expecting love and acceptance.
They would be foolish to accept us!
We need to live human qualities.
We must drop the dictator’s values!
The only other way is to pay enough money for others to accept us, while we remain in a destructive condition.
Of course, as we recover our human qualities, we also return to becoming kind and accepting.
We begin to naturally behave respectfully and honestly.
Our behavior heals when we can feel our needs.
In the proper environment, reconnecting happens spontaneously.
We get over holding back.
We become far better liked. We also begin having fun.
And, we will keep getting kinder. When we know how much we need others, we choose to behave well.
Recovery isn’t possible without a good environment.
As we reconnect, we become smarter and stronger.
Life begins to have meaning! We become outspoken. People like us.
That’s the road back.
Thanks for listening.
Good luck on your journey.
This post is part of https://clarity-of-innocence.com
Take care,
Norm Cormier
I welcome considering other thoughts.